Trying Target permanent loop

Hello all,

I hit the run button on the eclipse program, and then I hit the button WPILIB Java Deploy. This has worked many, many times before. Now, the program compiles and everything, but does not complete the build. My output log ends with [echo] Trying Target: roboRIO-4687.local. It still says the program is building, as I am able to hit the red square stop sign. I am able o access the RoboRio through on Google Chrome. What is going on? If any extra information is needed, please ask.

ATTEMPTED FIXES (Will update):
Use a Printer Cable (USB in computer, Square with cut off corners in RoboRIO)
Use an Ethernet Cable
Replace Battery
Restart Computer
Turn Robot on and off

Problem fixed by a restart of Eclipse, then closing all programs related to the robot (Driver station, eclipse, smartdashboard, etc.) and then restart the computer a second time. Connection was established using a printer cable, USB side in the computer.