Tube fun

Like student like mentor. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so glad i could avoid the camera that day

i cant think of anyone on our team who hasnt ended up with at least one of those wrapped around our neck they just seem to be great necklaces

they really are nice necklaces.

Are you sure your necklaces are fine? They look like they could use some air. No one should be caught with deflated fashion, especially robots.

Necklaces? Are you kidding? We have one member who can hold any of the three tubes above her head, drop it and have it fall to her feet with no resistance.

Personally I like using them as belts.

Necklaces? Are you kidding? We have one member who can hold any of the three tubes above her head, drop it and have it fall to her feet with no resistance.

Presuming your are talking about the circle, we have a mentor that does the same.

No I think he/she is talking about any of the three tubes, as said in the quote that you quoted.

Man, I have a picture somewhere of three girls on the team who wore the tubes as skirts. Need to dig it up…

  • Sunny

This seemed commonplace at Waterford District as well…

And then the judges joined in (and did the wave)!

Eric DelSanto, Co-CEO of the Pascakc Pi-oneers, Team 1676, brought back the tube skirt fad to the New Jersey Regional last week!