Tuner X and PathPlanner PID Tuning Questions

Greetings from Team 564!

We have some questions as to how we’re supposed to properly PID Tune for the TunerX Robot and PathPlanner.

I ran SysID and properly got the Logs off the robot and got PID Values for the individual Kraken Motors, the confusion lies in how we’re supposed to tune the drivetrain overall, as in TunerConstants there is Steer Gains and Translation Gains. As for rotation, I got the Log file, but I’m confused as to where exactly I’m supposed to put those PID Constants in the Tuner X Project.

After tuning the individual motors, I thought It was time to start working on PathPlanner, but the Paths kept overshooting and rotating for some reason. The path I’m trying to test is just the Robot driving forward 1 meter. We messed with the settings a lot, max acceleration needs to be very low for the robot to actually finish the path, and I’m lost on how we’re supposed to PID Tune the AutoBuilder.

Link to Repo: here

To sum my questions:

  1. How are teams PID Tuning PathPlanner
  2. Does my basic implementation of PathPlanner look correct
  3. How do you tune Translation and Steer Gains in Tuner Constants
  4. What is the Rotation SysID routine supposed to be tuning, and where do I place those constants?

Any help here will be greatly appreciated, have a great day!