TV Coverage!

So yeh today I turned on my television and I was flipping through the channels, saw a show on Discovery Channel called extreme robots and then to what to my surprise should appear! Dean talking and a wonderful little robotics competition going on in the background (when I say little I don’t really mean little :smiley: hehhehe). hmmm… I wonder what competition this could be… It was FIRST 2001 competition! Too bad the show ended a couple minutes after I turned it on, it made me sad because I got really excited that it was on! Anyways, the point of this post is to find out if anyone happened to be tapign the Discovery Channel around 5-6 today to get the FIRST show, if you did tape it, could you e-mail me and get my snail-mail to send me a tape of it? Thanks!

You could probably contact the Discovery channel for a copy of the program. Although they’ll probably charge you for it…


In addition to contacting the Discovery Channel…I recommend checking out their website. There is usually either a weekly or monthly program guide on there. You can see if possible the show will be running again and set your VCR to tape it.

~Angela who still has no clue how to program her VCR

I looked on the site and I couldn’t find anything. Maybe I wasn’t looking in the right places. Anyone else find anything about it?

check TV Guide, they usually have a listing of when a particular program will re-air.