Twitter data analysis, Weeks 1 thru 7

*I took all the Qual match records from Weeks 1 thru 7 Twitter data and did “OPR” (least squares) analysis of the more detailed info available there.

In the attached spreadsheet, the columns are as follows:

Col 1 = score
Col 2 = climb
Col 3 = foul
Col 4 = auto
Col 5 = teleop
Col 6 = score w/o foul
Col 7 = other alliance’s foul points
Col 8 = CCWM
Col 9 = CCWM w/o foul

Note Col 7 “other alliance’s foul”. This was an attempt to provide a least-squares insight into what teams were committing the fouls.

The usual Twitter data caveats apply. Note that there are only 6027 valid Qual matchs in the Twitter data, whereas there are 6403 Qual matches in the “Match Results” data.

Twitter_OPR.xls (503 KB)

Twitter_OPR.xls (503 KB)

That’s actually interesting to see. I wonder if there’s a good correlation with defensive robots and foul points committed.