Twitter data anomalies

Does anyone know: who is the contact person for reporting errors/omissions/anomalies in FRC Regional & District match data from FRC Spy and Twitter feed @frcfms ?

I usually just call FIRST’s main contact number and have them relay the message to their IT folks. They are very appreciative of error reporting.

Thanks Ed. Would that number be (800) 871-8326? And is there a particular person in IT you usually speak with?

My main question is, are they aware that there was (and is) no Twitter or FRC Spy data feed for Oregon and Traverse City, and is it possible to restore that data (or is it lost forever).

Also, there appear to be several anomalies in the existing FRC Spy and Twitter data. One such example I posted here. If there’s something I’m not understanding correctly I’d like to know.

To anyone interested: I called the number and was politely given an email address for sending a problem report. I then did so. We’ll see.


Thank you for your effort to get the scores right. For people like me who lives on data, it is very important that the data is accurate. Otherwise, garbage in, garbage out.

The unreliable nature of twitter feed is one reason why I hesitate to use it. From what I understand, once the twitter is send out, it is out. You cannot retract it or update it. And we all know that many times scores are adjusted afterwards. That is why I only use the official data in my scouting database.

Now that FIRST is publishing the accumulated hybrid, bridge, teleop and coopertition points for each team in the Standing page, we have everything we need to calculate the OPR for each of them and the difference between overall OPR and OPR for hybrid, bridge and telelp is the foul for OPR. That is why I am not going to use twitter feed data this year.

However for future years, it is a good thing to work and improve the process so the data is more reliable. Again thank you for your effort.

That’s what I would have thought. However, it appears that TP display includes both the teleop hoop points and the foul points.

But unfortunately not to calculate statistics like these :frowning: