
Hi all,

I searched around the forums and couldn’t really find a topic specifically discussing FIRST members’ use of Twitter. This surprised me as I would think that teams would be all up for instant news on anything. I think this could prove useful with the control system beta out and experiences with it.

If anyone here has a Twitter account, whats your username?

Twitter: TannerLD


I’m WmLeverette on Twitter. (Somehow, Billfred was taken. Grumblesville.)

im mrbob1000 on twitter, i dont post much on twitter unless im bored or doing something cool.


I’m addicted :slight_smile:

I know I was addicted to updating my Facebook status via my cell, then I realized just recently that my twitter account which had been neglected for so long could do it for me! Anyways I’m hpceman .

Team 555 has a twitter account that we used to update people back home of our match results and other ongoings during the championship.

I used (when it was free) to update it, along with the autodesk computers.

it was perfect for when the FIRST site randomly decides to stop updating the standings and such.

There are many FIRSTers on twitter.







I mainly signed up for this because of the new thing their doing on CNN with twitter and Rick Sanchez and that 3PM hour of CNN Newsroom

I actually don’t know why I have a twitter because I usually update facebook and read updates on there as well, but when I get bored enough i update it in addition just to kill an easy 30 seconds of my time.


Sunny1261 :D. Really innovative.
