Two Champs are better then one.

FIRST offered us a wait list spot at St Louis today. All we need is to raise the money and we will be attending both Houston, winning Arizona North, and St Louis with a wait list. Life is good.:smiley:

I thought accepting a wait list spot off your non-home championship forfeits your home spot? You sure you can go to both?

EDIT: Please read this document carefully. I’m fairly certain you can only attend one championship, so choose wisely. Congrats on getting the choice though, not many teams are in your position!

Hi Seth Mallory,

Just wanted to say congrats on a job well done so far this season! Getting invited to both champ events sounds really rare so you must have put a nice robot out on that field, I’ll try to check it out using

What other teams are going to multiple champs? They’d probably also invite other teams that have won their events I’d guess.

One thing I just thought of, how are the students going to be able to take so much time off school? If you’re from California and you’ve already gone to Alabama, isn’t this gonna make it about 3 or 4 weeks off of school for the students after everything is said and done? Either way, if your kids are a bunch of Einsteins then I guess it’s fine but just make sure their families don’t miss em too much or you won’t get the kids back next year!

Also wanted to point out, make sure you all write your passwords down and keep them safe somewhere…I had to get my nephew to help me get my account working again because I forgot my password!

Best Regards and as Seth said, Live good!

This is correct.

Since OP qualified for Houston, they remained on the St. Louis waitlist with increased priority to switch championships.

If they accept the St. Louis invite, it will remove them from the Houston championship

Personally, I would not accept a St. Louis invite as a Houston home team because it’s St. Louis’s last year. Take the time now to figure out Houston so you’re more prepared in future years.

If FIRST allowed it, I would want to do 2 Champs also.:slight_smile:

I would argue just the opposite. Don’t be the guinea pig. Take the known entity and let someone else suffer through growing pains.

Thanks for the confirmation. Hope they don’t accept without knowing that beforehand.

I guess this is also true. You could see it either way.

When our team was invited to Houston I considered what we would do if we got a St. Louis invite. In my eyes, even though St. Louis is a MUCH easier drive for us, we wouldn’t be doing ourselves any favors for future years when we may have to go to Houston. We seem to have finally nailed down our plans and it hasn’t been that bad.

That, and it’s the last Saint Louis Championship.

We will only be at Houston. There is not enough time to raise the money and make the reservations even if we wanted to. The students need the school time and I need the rest. But it is nice to dream.:rolleyes:

Nah, it’s the first (and last) St. Louis Half Championships. The last STL Championships was last year. :rolleyes:


You mean the last time at Saint Louis Papi’s.

It’s not a choice for some of us…

Big Papi’s?

most of us*