Does easyC support the use of two gyroscopes, or do you have to use custom code to create an analog to digital converter?
Not sure if this will work, but when you intialize and subsequently read from the gyro (using the EasyC gyro block) you also define which analog port the gyro is plugged into. Therefore, in an object oriented sense, if you do the same thing for two gyros, the two instances should remain independent. Give it a try!
Otherwise, as you suggested, you would have to read the analog port directly which gives a 10-bit output proportional to turn rate which you can convert to deg/s which can be integrated to give heading.
Let us know how it works! I’ve been wondering whether it might be a good idea to use two gyros for redundancy and as some sort of quality control in applications where accurate navigation is desired.
Yes you can use two gyros together using two is almost the same as using one.
what do you need 2 for? are you trying to have 3-axis of sensing? i’m not sure, but just leaern C and do it from there.
C programming is very easy to do. as soon as you know the basic commands it does averything for you.
One use for two gyro’s is using two different sensitivity gyros. For example, a 300 deg/s and a 75 deg/s could be combined (with clever kalman-filter code) to provide a single heading that is immune to abrupt changes in angle(up to 300) while sensitive to smoother changes in angle (below 75)
just a question (because i might have to look into gyros next year): if the robot was moving faster than 70 deg/s, even though you have a faster gyro, wouldn’t the slower one not be able to keep up, or lose heading?
It is for our new “super secret tech” that is under development.
No, it is for 3d sensing and some drive stuff we are going to work on this summer.
Everyone knows we spend as much time on our back as we do on our wheels and we just want to know how far on our back we are!!!
First off Gyros measure acceleration, so it doesn’t really matter if you are turning 70 deg/s you could turn 500 deg/s at 0 acceleration and the gyro could probably handle it. It is angular acceleration that you need to worry about. I think the Gyros we have support 300 deg/s/s which is probably enough for almost all FIRST applications (Actually it might 150 if where using the ADXRS150 series gyros)
Either way I don’t really think that you need two unless there’s a good reason (i.e sensing if the robots tilted etc…)