If a team has no autonomous, and they start with an uber tube in their manipulator, can they still score with no penalty in the teleop as long as they don’t drop it? or would that be a penalty? if not, has anyone considered placing the tube in the other alliances feeder zone to jam things up:D? seems like a viable stratagem…
The ubertubes are completely worthless as scoring objects after auto mode
<G16> UBERTUBES may not be HUNG. Violation: PENALTY
<G16> disallows an unplaced UBERTUBE to be hung, a knocked-off UBERTUBE to be rehung, or movement of an UBERTUBE to a different PEG.
In other words (my own):
Ubertubes can be scored during autonomous period only, no exceptions.
<G32> Neither ROBOTS, HOSTBOTS, nor MINIBOTS may break the planes of the
vertically projected borders of the opponent’s ZONES, including a GAME PIECE in their
POSSESSION. Momentary incursions by a POSSESSED GAME PIECE will not be
penalized if they do not make contact with anything in the ZONE.
I wonder if dropping the tube in the alliance’s feeder zone qualifies as a momentary incursion. I think putting the ubertube in the feeder zone would be a violation of g32, but i’m not sure.
ZONE and LANE are not the same thing:
LANE – a 4-foot, 3-inch wide area that extends for approximately 19-1/2 feet from each FEEDING SLOT toward the center of the FIELD.
ZONE – an area approximately 18 feet wide and 7 feet deep located immediately in front of the ALLIANCE WALL. The boundaries are marked with tape that matches the color of the ALLIANCE stationed directly behind the adjacent ALLIANCE WALL.
Compare <G32> and <G33>. Tubes in possession only apply in <G32>.
By my figuring, rolling would be alot safer since your no longer in possession of the tube.
but you could push the tube into the zone since it technically isn’t in your possesion. unless touching is considered possesion…
If your team doesn’t have an autonomous to score the Ubertube then I’d suggest leaving it out of your manipulator when the match starts and just sitting it on the floor while still in contact with the robot.
Odds are that that a ref will remove the tubes after Autonomous anyway to prevent them from getting damaged. (Some events did this in 2007, I wouldn’t guarantee that it’ll happen this year, but it may.)
Theoretically, you could HERD the tube into another alliances Zone or Lane, but it’s sort of a waste of time, IMO.