Hey we have been working on updating our site feel free to check it out. It still has all the old fetures and quite a few shiny new ones. Here is the url: Http://firstubergeeks.com.
~The übergeeks
Hey we have been working on updating our site feel free to check it out. It still has all the old fetures and quite a few shiny new ones. Here is the url: Http://firstubergeeks.com.
~The übergeeks
Nice site, but I don’t like how it doesn’t all fit within my browser window. Side scrolling is the bane of internet surfers.
What monitor resolution are you using and I will see if I can get our webmaster to modify.
That site won’t display properly at anything below 1024x768. Many users still use 800x600, so you want to make sure you support at least that resolution.
Pardon me asking, but what is the fascination with using flash for rollover effects on buttons? Is there some software package that you’re using to make the site that is making flash files for the rollovers? The effects you’re producing could easily be duplicated with CSS rollovers or javascript. Why make the user download a bigger file instead of doing a little extra work.
Not to mention that Adblock in Firefox puts little tabbies on flash files so I can block the ones that are ads. Having a menu full of flash files = lots of tabbies.
What are you using for a comment system? Is that something you wrote yourself? It’s something I’m trying to look into for my own team’s site.
Yes I agree about the flash files. I am having the webmaster atleast remove the sound from each file. As far as the resolution I found that he is working off my monitor that is set at 12801024. We will be resizing everything to fit into a 800600.
These are the items we need to hear about. Please pick our site apart and let us know how we can improve the look and feel.
1024x768, Mac OS X 10.3.5, Safari 1.2.3 (125.9)
Well that’s your problem; if you choose to install something that puts an ugly tab on every flash thing on the page it’s your fault the page is covered in “little tabbies”. That’s not to say that this webmaster isn’t a clueless Flashmaster who needs to learn when Flash is and isn’t appropriate.
We have fixed the resolution problem. It can now best be viewed at 1024x768. Please comment on if we need to make it fit within 800x600 and why.
As far as the flash files we really do not have that many. The top navigation is flash and the picture gallery button is a flash button.
The scouting database search on the homepage doesn’t work. PHP Error
Nice site though. Good Job
Yes the scouting database is on hold until the start of the 2005 season. We will be trying to update it based on already known information about regionals.
I agree with theory6…very excellent website. I love the graphics and how you added little music bits to the link buttons. Also, the organization is excellent! Very awesome Matt.
Personally I like to make things fit in 800x600 because when I look at the traffic coming to my sites, at least half of it is still in 800x600. I feel bad leaving so many people out :(. The thing about the flash menu is each button is a seperate flash file, when I think you’d be able to do them all as one big flash file. It’s fine the way it is, I’m just nitpicky.
I enjoyed the tabbie cats. Adblock is my favorite plugin ever though. I not only don’t get pop-ups from Firefox, Adblock stops most banner ads, and if I doesn’t I just add the adhost to the filter list. I could turn off the little tabbies, but I like 'em.