does any one have it or know if they release them before the competition? we are trying to get ****sundial as prepared as possible before the comp.


They don’t release the Thursday schedule til thursday, Friday and Saturday both get released friday.

darn oh well
i guess we will have to do with that then

You should be pretty busy typing Thursday and Friday mornings :slight_smile:

haha yes very
considering i have pretty much takin the lead for our team
and i am going to be in the pits all day both days so i’ve gott to train some people before comp. if anyone has someone available or interested in helping please send them our way at comp. (no this does not mean send your annoying freshmen to us to get rid of them :smiley: )

thanks guys!

Aww man. There goes that hope (by the way, I am kidding).

are you going to get pics of all the robots, for quick recognition? I try to get pics of all of them in the pits Thursday and put them on my web page thursday night…