UFH: Alan Skierkiewicz

Thread created automatically to discuss UFH Honoree: Alan Skierkiewicz.


Name: Alan Skierkiewicz
Date Honored: 11-30-2004
Years involved w/FIRST: 9
FIRST Team(s): Motorola &, Rolling Meadows High School &, Wheeling High School (0111)
Role: Adult Mentor, Electrical
Quote: I met a man with a dollar, we exchanged dollars and each of us left with a dollar. I met a man with an idea, we exchanged ideas and each of us left with two ideas.
Bio: Al Skierkiewicz is a familiar face in the pits of team 111, Wildstang. Having been involved in FIRST for 9 years, Al has not only been well known for helping out fellow teams in the heat of competition, but also offering outstanding advice on the ChiefDelphi forums.

Al shared a favorite memory and his favorite thing about competitions. "It is difficult now to come up with just one favorite. The top one of course, was being present for our national win in Houston. It just seemed like everything was going right for us. It was very surrealistic as we watched good teams dropping out of the finals and then finally getting to the main stage and having all these people in the stands cheering us on. It can’t really get much better than that.

“Each competition we attend is my most new favorite memory as I get a chance to meet and talk with all the folks I converse with here on CD. It is very special to be treated like one of the team when I meet anyone at competition. These times are more like family reunions then competitions between rivals. I have to say there was no free time during Nationals this year between matches and meeting folks. I love when everyone comes over to HI!”

Al also is very involved in the FIRST Lego League. “I have only one real accomplishment in FIRST and that is being part of helping student after student progress from Lego League to high school through FIRST and onto college.” He also breaches the mentor/parent gap, and claims it has been a positive experience for him. “My accomplishments are measured by the number of students that find happiness in FIRST and a sense that they are really capable of doing something important and helping others. I have been blessed to watch my own two children make that transition in FIRST. I hope I can continue to help students in the future.”

Al also gives us a lot of solid advice for every FIRSTer to follow. "If you learn nothing else from this competition remember these two things…

"1. Almost anything is possible. Don’t let someone tell you it can’t be done, find out for yourself or just do it. Mankind has been held back for thousands of years by the respected people in high places impeding progress. It is a miracle we made it out of the middle ages. Learn from your own history. When many countries were being repressed by their governments, the U.S. allowed inventors to take us to the moon and beyond in just a few short decades.

“2. A person will find more opportunity with the attitude “I can do that!” If you had refused when the FIRST opportunity came to you, you would not be reading this. If I had said “No” when asked to help fix an electrical problem on a robot, I wouldn’t be writing this. My life has been a very happy one because of the many times I was open to opportunity.”

Congratulations to Al Skierkiewicz for being honored as our next Unsung FIRST Hero.

Nominated By: confidential

Congratulations to Al Skierkiewicz for being honored as our next Unsung FIRST Hero.

Congrats Mr. Skierkiewicz… ooo Wildstanger… :slight_smile:

sometimes it seems to be that i find answer to the questions that i have just by reading his post. thanks Mr. Skeirkiewicz.

you deserve this award…

Congratulations Al, this was a long time coming! I’m sure you are an excellent asset to your team; because, your participation on this board in support of the FIRST family is simply phenomenal.

Congratulations genius… I hope to meet you this year as I have learnt a lot from every post you make. You truly deserve this award. Congratulations again

Congratulations! I know you only on chief delphi where your posts are knowledgable and insightful, but based on this, you are most likely a valuble resource to your own team and any others that you may assist. Keep up the amazing work.

Congrats, you’re an amazingly helpful individual here on CD, and definitely an excellent resource to your team!

Congratulations Al!
Another great choice for the UFH award!

Though I’ve never had a prolonged interaction with Al in person, we’ve bumped into each other a few times here and there, and it’s always been a pleasure.

I remember in Atlanta this year I was sitting in the stands watching the Archie finals… During an especially close match, I distinctly remember talking to the people around me about the outcome (as we all frantically counted the balls in a goal). I looked back and realized I had been talking with Al (I recognized him from this site) and some other Stangers for the past few minutes without even knowing it. It’s definitely a cool thing to look up and realize you’re talking to someone you recognize & admire.

That’s about the sum of my “Al-experiences”.

As others have said, his contributions on this forum are incredible. He is one of those people that you can always trust to post something good. We need more Als on here, and certainly more in this program.

Again – Congratuations. This is truly deserved.

John V

HI AL!!! :wink:

You and your team 111 Wildstang are people who inspire us in NYC to bring it up a notch! Someday, I hope to meet you in person.
Until then, I greatly enjoy your words of wisdom and insight on the CD postings.

You’re on my list of Top 10 people I want to meet from FIRST.

Congratulations Al on your UFH! :]

Congratulations Al! :slight_smile:

You REALLY deserve this for not only all the technical help here on CD, but for all the help you’ve given to FIRST teams.

Congratulations, Al!

As a fellow ‘Stanger’, and Mentor on WildStang, I know that a lot couldn’t get done around the team and the pits without ya :slight_smile:

You deserve it!


Congratulations Al, and finally… a normal sized picture!! Yay!!

All kidding aside, thanks for being there to answer all the questions we in the CD community have had throughout the years…


Thank you for the help and info that you provide on these forums. Several of my students has benefited from your advice. As have I!!

Woohoo go Al!

This is definately something that you truly deserve. You have helped so many and pushed the rest of us to reach out and help others. You always provide advice that is reliable and helpful in a way that can be understood…and if we don’t get it the first time you keep going until we do. You are not only a mentor to the students, but to the rest of us that work with you.

When I first started in FIRST I didn’t understand the concept of helping your competition when they were down. By the end of the first day of the first regional I understood. I watched you work with people that you had never met before. I watched you listen to their problem and give multiple suggestions on what could be wrong. After fixing whatever the problem was, I saw the smiles on their face when they realized they had worked through a tough problem. That’s when I understood the meaning of FIRST. That’s when I understood that this whole thing is more than just winning…that its about helping anyone that needs your help.

So, congratulations to you Al. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Al, a big thanks for all you do. Here on CD you always give excellent help and advice. You are one of the reasons that this site is so successful and that FIRST is such a great organization. Hope to have the honor of meeting you someday.

Congrats Al!!! That is so awsome… I know that I didnt know a lot coming into electrical last year… You and Nate both helped me a lot! Great Job Al! :smiley:

Congratulations! I have enjoyed all of your posts and admire Wildstang tremendously. Best of luck this season!

Al Ostrow
Team 341

Congratulations. Your valuable advice has prevented me from killing myself and others numerous times =)

Congratulations Al!!

It’s been a real pleasure watching your team in action (and actually getting to compete WITH you on occasion) these past 5 years. You and the rest of WildStang are true role models in the FIRST arena!

Great job!!


Congrats Mr. Skierkiewicz!!!

I like to see great people from great teams win awards! Hopefully all mentors on FIRST teams can be good people just like yourself.
