UFH: Greg Marra

Thread created automatically to discuss UFH Honoree: Greg Marra.


Name: Greg Marra
Date Honored: 09-01-2008
Years involved w/FIRST: 4
FIRST Team(s): UTC Power &, South Windsor High School (0177), Hyde Park Educational Complex/Olin College/Smith Family Foundation of Boston (2124)
Role: College Mentor
Quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi
Bio: Greg Marra is a well known in FIRST robotics as one of the creators of The Blue Alliance, a site which has changed the way the FIRST community experiences different events and archives match results. Working with the Boston Planning committee and TBATV he has helped countless rookie teams who’s success can be directly related to Greg’s Involvements.

When we asked Greg about his favorite FIRST memory he shared: “My college, Olin College, has been mentoring team 1152/2124 from Hyde Park, MA for about five years now. Last year, three girls who joined the team as high school freshmen graduated, and they are all going on to continue their studies with scholarships that enabled this to happen. It’s one thing to compete on the field and strive to win, but it’s an entirely other thing to see the life changing impact FIRST has on individual students’ lives. This is where the power of the program is.”

When asked about advice he might give others looking to get involved in the FIRST program Greg Replied: “Go for it. I didn’t join my high school’s FIRST team until my Junior year because I wasn’t sure if I would like it or not. If I had tried it and not liked it, the worst thing that would have happened is I would have wasted a Wednesday evening. Find mentors who will believe in you and encourage you. And if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.”

With all of his successes with projects we questioned what inspired him to keep pushing the envelope: “I am inspired when I meet people who found something that they thought was missing from the world and made it. People with passion for what they do and drive behind them are incredible to talk to, because they get me excited for their ideas and make me want to go out and start all sorts of projects of my own. These are the people who inspire me to go and change the world. The only reason things are the way they are now is because someone once made them that way. Go out and make things the way you want them to be in the future.”

Finally we asked him to share some advice for other mentors in the FIRST program: “My advice to mentors is to excite and inspire. Give students a background and a goal, and let them go for it. Point them at the right resources, encourage them to ask questions, but set them up to pull themselves to success.”

With all that he has contributed to the program in these few short year we are proud to honor Greg Marra as our 60th Unsung FIRST Hero.

Nominated By: Tom Bottiglieri

It is great to UFH back again. Thank you to the UFH committee.

Congratulations Greg. Very well deserved. :slight_smile:

Congratulations Greg, well deserved!

All right!
The long awaited return if UFH!
And how appropriate that the first honoree is one of the founders of best resources available to FIRST The Blue Alliance.
Congrats Greg.

It’s my pleasure to know Greg and see his accomplishments up close. Congratulations, Greg!

Bravo Zulu, Greg. :cool:

Well done, Marra. Now get back to work and send me those names!

Congratulations Greg! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to FIRST! I can not imagine my FIRST experience with out The Blue Alliance.

Congrats Greg!

Yay! Congratulations Greg!

Thank you for nominating Greg, Tom. Awesome!


Congrats Greg!

aww greg, im glad me and jeremy convinced you to join. :-p. and thanks for making 177 way more awesome, and for being my friend since the 3rd grade :slight_smile:

Congrats Greg :slight_smile:


With only 4 years in Greg has done more then most do in 10. I can’t wait to see what he will have accomplished by the end of 2012.

Congrats Greg, much deserved.

There are some people we know early on will do well. I can certainly believe you will be someone we will hear about in the future. Congratulations and good luck!

It’s amazing how much The Blue Alliance has changed the FIRST community. In the past we would have to scrounge for event results and video. Now these things are regularly available at our fingertips. Pretty neat stuff. Congratulations to Greg for being one of the driving forces behind this change, and on a well deserved award.

What a great choice to bring back UFH!

Greg is really a great example of a FIRSTer who is an inventor after Dean’s own heart. He saw a void and a need within our community, and followed through, inventing something which has truly been an exceptional asset to the FRC community. Congrats Greg, UFH well deserved!

Congratulations, Greg! :slight_smile:

Congratulations, Greg, and thanks for the great tool that is The Blue Alliance.

Also, I don’t think he’s said anything about it here on CD (presumably out of modesty), but Greg spent the summer interning for Google at their headquarters in California, which is not exactly an easy job to get. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of Google-inspired improvements to TBA. Congrats!