UFH: Jenny Beatty

Thread created automatically to discuss UFH Honoree: Jenny Beatty.


Name: Jenny Beatty
Date Honored: 09-15-2008
Years involved w/FIRST: 7
FIRST Team(s): Lockheed Martin/AAI Corporation/BD/Towsontowne Rotary/Tessco &, Parkville High School and Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science (0007), FIRST / Other (0000)
Role: NEMO, Senior Mentor
Quote: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon
Bio: Jenny has been a staple of FIRST for many years and has brought much to the table for the teams in the Maryland area, in addition to those throughout the program. To summarize her involvement in short terms she has done it all. When asked Jenny sent in her FIRST resume which consisted of being a Co-Founder of NEMO (the Non-Engineering Mentor Organization), a team mentor on 007, FIRST senior mentor of Maryland, a member of the Chesapeake Regional planning committee, along with many other roles at various events.

One of the toughest questions we ask our honorees is what their fondest FIRST memory is, and as you can imagine with all her experience Jenny provided us with a few.
Watching Team007 cut their plywood robot in half, between matches at the Maryland State Fair and move from last place to the winning alliance.
Having Margaret Flowers say to me “Of course I remember you, you’re the only person who ever asked me for my autograph.”
Being asked to give a presentation on FIRST to NASA interns and then discovering about 1/3 of the room were FIRST alumni. Instead of giving a presentation, I had them do it!
Getting a phone call from the Governor’s Office announcing that the Maryland mentors in FIRST were receiving the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.

When Jenny was asked about some advice to share she said “Ask for help often from others and accept it with an open mind. Be creative, but also use the resources already out there.” This is sound advice even beyond the FIRST world, as there are always people who are willing to give help. She added that you should “pay attention to the details, deadlines and the paperwork. Your team can show up at a regional with a crate full of parts, and get a robot built, but not if you didn’t complete the shipping forms or the bus reservations.” Which is sound advice and a good reminder that each team should have one person join NEMO.

Jenny has given many presentations on FIRST to outsiders so we asked about what to tell them. She replied that is just as important to figure out how to say it then what to say. “My advice is understand your audience. The elevator speech for FIRST is hard. Tailor it to whomever you are speaking with. If it’s not a formal presentation, start small with the “30-second” explanation. If they are still listening, add another minute, but be prepared to stop. Be sure to allow your audience a way to ask questions and follow-up. Of course, nothing beats explaining while at a competition or watching a team in action during the build season or at a team presentation. But you need to learn to stop before their eyes glaze over. Sometimes our passion for the program and for the students can get in the way.”

With all of her accomplishments and achievements for FIRST we would like to encourage people to take the opportunity to learn from her and our other UFH. Congrats Jenny for being selected as our 61st Unsung FIRST Hero.

Nominated By: confidential

Yea Jenny - even if there is still no relation. :slight_smile:


One of my favorite things to do at the Championship is to watch Jenny walk.
She sometimes has a kind of slow swagger like she is thinking as she walks. What she does is walk the talk.

Jenny has had a profound impact on events, teams, and individuals and I’m one of the individuals. She takes the time to share her wisdom, her experience, and her knowledge, and she is a great role model for what is so good about FIRST.

Besides watching Jenny walk the talk, I love to see her laugh. In her vest. Filled with pockets. Filled with survival items at a FIRST event… and also special goodies and buttons that teams and people give her. Because she is so cool.

Rock on, Jenny, rock on.

What can I say about the person who has mentored me most in FIRST? Thank you for listening, for advising me, for letting me go to make my own mistakes. Thank you for being the squeaky wheel, for being the wind beneath my wings, and for introducing me to a whole new world.

Someday we’ll figure out how to reach ALL the mentors in FIRST; how to solve ALL the problems with awards; and how to inspire ALL the youth.


Couldn’t have happened to a better person!

Jenny exemplifies the best that a NEM could be.

Congratulations, Jenny!

Congrats Jenny,

I find it hard to believe that Jenny has not been UFH 20 times already. She is an inspiration.

I have had the honour to meet Jenny only a couple of times. Always positive and listening. Jenny you are a shining example of what we all should strive for. Continue the great work and a BIG CONGRATS.:smiley:

Congratulations Jenny! I have looked up to you since I started FIRST. You are an inspiration to many :slight_smile:

Wow, what a great list of honorees to bring back UFH!

Jenny, you’re a great inspiration to all of FIRST. You work non-stop to try to make everyone be a part of this program, and are truly achieving your goals. Thank you UFH for a great choice!

You’ve been our hero for quite a while now even if we never told you.
Now you know!

Congratulations Jenny!

I totally echo these sentiments! You are very deserving of this honor, Jenny. Thank you so much for being there behind the scenes, just doing what you do!

Congratulations Jenny!

Congratulations Jenny! You most definitely deserve this honor. I too, am surprised you haven’t gotten this already.

I’m under a similar stupor–Jenny wasn’t already named UFH?! Get me some aspirin, as I’m off to go smack my forehead.

Congrats, Jenny! I promise not to stick you in the caption contest again (on weeks I know I’m seeing you ;))

I can gladly say that the Chesapeake regional was the best event I went to this year.


Kil-A-Byte post :slight_smile: 1024

I am so glad to see Jenny as an UFH. She has helped out so many teachers and parents. At some point or another we have all had that overwhelmed feeling of needing funds, needing to figure out travel logistics, or confusion over the TIMS. No matter what a team’s non-engineering woes are, Jenny is there to help.

There are not many people we all know, whose name is nearly synonymous with FIRST and all it stands for. Jenny is most certainly one of those names. Even people who have never met her can see her impact. I, like previous posters, am astounded that Jenny wasn’t UFH several times over, so it is good to see her so honored.


I have not personally met her, from what I can see Jenny is an amazing person. Keep on doing what you’re doing, it must be good :slight_smile:

Congratulations Jenny! Every time I have ever met you, you have been very welcoming and have really helped a lot of us learn what FIRST should really mean to the mentoring community.

Congrats Jenny!! You deserve this award so much for all the things you do and thanks for doing it all!! :slight_smile: