UFH: Scott and Libby Ritchie

Thread created automatically to discuss UFH Honoree: Scott and Libby Ritchie.


Name: Scott and Libby Ritchie
Date Honored: 09-30-2004
Years involved w/FIRST: 7
FIRST Team(s): Allison Transmission/Rolls-Royce/and 74 Proud Grandmas &, Perry Meridian High School (0234), Indiana Department of Workforce Development/Rolls-Royce Corp./BAX Global/BestBuy/K-T Corp. &, Greenfield-Central High School &, Morristown High School (0393)
Role: Scott: Leadership, Libby: Team Coordinator
Quote: “Leaders must be leaders before they are monuments.” "Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.” JFK
Bio: Scott and Libby Ritchie are the dynamic duo of midwest FIRST. With a combined 14 years of experience behind them, Scott and Libby not only have had a huge hand in the making of the Indiana Robotics Invitational, but run two different teams out of one household. Libby is the team coordinator for team 393, the Full Metal Jackets, and Scott heads up team 234, CyberBlue. Both teams are notorious at midwest competitions thanks to the leadership of both these individuals.

Scott had a few great FIRST memories to share with us. “The first year in '99 is where most of my favorite memories come from. We won one match at the Kennedy Space Center Regional and celebrated like we had won the national championship. Also, we were back at Kennedy and we had the backpack thingy that I am sure some of you remember. Eleanor, the young lady that worked it, was doing some emergency repairs on it before we were ready to compete and in her excitement she swallowed all the screws she was holding in her mouth. The expression on her face was priceless when I asked for the screws. I would say that Jason Kixmiller and Collin Fultz winning the two Purdue Scholarships last year was a very special moment for myself and the program.”

Libby’s favorite memory goes back to her rookie year. “My favorite FIRST memory would have to be our entire rookie year (2000). We had no clue what we were really doing, yet we had so much fun together as a team. We went to Kennedy Space Center for one regional and then went to the IRI (in Kokomo), up to Michigan for their off-season competition, and then traveled to Arkansas to compete in the Baxter competition. (We camped in the mountains and worked on the robot at night around the campfire!) The kids from that team still keep in close contact with the engineers and I and I will never forget them!”

Scott’s list of FIRST accomplishments are numerous. “I have a hard time talking accomplishments that have happened with me or the team due to the fact that so many people have been involved in our success in the past years. Our first accomplishment was to get Rolls Royce on board here in Indy. They have not only been very instrumental in being one of our original sponsors but the sponsor of most of the teams we have started. Next, I would say winning the Chicago Regional in 2001 with Hammond and being part of the 710 match would be an accomplishment. That year we also won the National Delphi Driving Tomorrow’s Technology award. In 2003 and 2004, we won the Regional Chairman’s awards and a couple of website awards. I guess though the success of working with my wife’s team (393) and Andy Baker’s team (45) to bring the IRI to Indianapolis and have it grow into what it is today would also be an accomplishment worth mentioning, but that took a lot of people to make happen. Working to help start seven area teams in the Indianapolis area is something that I take a little pride in. When we started in '99, we were the only central Indiana team and now we have almost circled the city. I can say with out much hesitation that even though I played very little in the process the scholarships last year would be listed as my favorite accomplishment.”

Libby has a large list of her own. “I have come a long way since our rookie year in 2000! As a business teacher/guidance counselor, I really don’t have a strong background in anything mechanical. However, I do know how to organize a program and surround myself with good people. Being a co-coordinator of the IRI is a personal accomplishment that I enjoy and am proud of. I would have to say that keeping our team going is also a huge accomplishment. Our high school has an enrollment of 279 students, grades 9-12, and we are a rural school. Somehow, we are able to make it financially each year and we always have a lot of kids come out for the team (between 25 – 40).”

Scott gives a few words of advice to FIRSTers: “I think it is important for FIRSTers to remember to start playing the game. Not the game with the robots, but the survival game that will get you where you want to go. So many students get caught up in their limitations and shortcomings that they stop playing. I am someone that should never have been an academic hero of any kind, but I learned how to play the game and left my limitations behind and the excuses that they brought with them and started playing the game. By playing the game, I mean to use FIRST to its fullest advantage. Know your engineers, take advantage of scholarships, get an internship, learn the software, get yourself into leadership roles, develop a portfolio, develop character references, and enhance your speaking skills.” Libby had a few more words of encouragement: “FIRST is such a wonderful program for you to participate in. Learn as much as you can from as many people as possible and have fun doing it!”

Congratulations to the dynamic duo, Libby and Scott Ritchie, on winning their Unsung FIRST Heroes Award.

Nominated By: Josh Hambright

Congratulations to Scott and Libby Ritchie for collectively winning this Unsung FIRST Hero Award.

Personally, you both have helped myself and my team so much, and are always an inspiration and someone fun to talk to. IndianaFIRST would not be the same without you guys!

Congratulations guys!!! You definitely deserve this for all the great things you’ve done for IRI, Indiana teams, and FIRST!


Great ppl like you both make the FIRST community even better!

Congrads again!

CONGRATS!!! To both of you (and the kiddies too).

This is wonderful, the FIRST UFH Family!
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Congrats Scott and Libby, thanks for everything both of you do!

You two deserve this very, very much. Congrats!

From what I read in your bios and these posts, you both definitely deserve UFH! Congratulations from Team 007. =)

Congratulations Scott and Libby!
It is hard enough when both husband and wife are working on the same team, but when you are working with different teams there is no way to get away from the competition for just a little relaxation. It must be nerve wracking during your build season. Anyone that has attended IRI in the post season, can attribute the great time, in part, due to Scott and Libby. Thanks for this last IRI in particular. Keep up the great job you two have done. Good Luck, always.

Again, another wonderful choice was made by the UFH selection group. I got to meets Libby and Scott at the Championship this past year. In addition, I saw first hand how much time Libby puts into her FIRST activities as I helped out with a presentation. Being part of a family that has 1 FIRST team connection is one thing, but two separate teams!!! Keep it up and enjoy 2005.

Congrats to the both of you!!! You both really deserve this award. You have helped out so many people not just on your own teams, but in Indiana as a whole.

Congrats Scott and Libby - not only have you started two teams from scratch, you’ve affected hundreds, if not thousands of students across Indiana and the U.S. It’s an honor to be on a team affiliated with such great people, and cows. :]

Wow, this is something that I have really been waiting for, for a long time. Scott and Libby really deserve this honor. Neither Scott nor Libby have been given the credit that they deserve for all they have done for students that have gone through both of their FIRST programs. Scott and Libby are in the very unique position of each having their own VERY DIFFERENT teams. They are very competitive people in that they were both athletes and coaches in sports before they came to FIRST. This often may make things tense and very competitive. As a result, I am not allowed to talk about robotics when I am with them both. They both deserve a lot of credit for making me who I am today. I went through HS on Scott’s team, Cyber Blue 234, and I am still an adviser and lead for the website team. They have both done so much and changed so many lives for students that have gone through their programs. Most students that go through FIRST don’t have much of a relationship with the team leaders, Scott and Libby are unique. They have accepted me, and many other students, as being a part of their family. I have gotten to know them very close and personally, and I have even had the opportunity to stay at the Ritchie Farm and go up to a cattle auction in Guelph Canada with Scott. They have the sweetest kids ever who find the need to torture and beat me up every time they see me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Scott and Libby, congratulations of this honor. You guys truly deserve it and I hope that you will stick around and be in FIRST for a long time in the future so that you can give this wonderful opportunity to other students in the same way that you have given to me.

Thank you for everything,

-David Kelly

Scott and Lib - congratulations! I’m sure that doors everywhere are breathing a little easier - you two really deserve it. I know that I would not be even close to the same person that I am today without your guidance. Thanks for all your work –

Well, well, well. Scott and Lib. What can I say.

Granted I don’t know you as well as some, I feel as if I have a special place inside of each of their hearts.

Scott took a leap keeping me on the team after my first FIRST season. I wasn’t #1 on his list after that first summer for reasons that we won’t go into (as him if you want…I’m sure he’ll tell you). To him all I can say is…Thank You. It took Scott and FIRST to make me the person I am today. Scott showed me how to play this game called life and for that I am eternally grateful. I have a few key memories of from my time at PMHS with “Mr. Ritchie”:

3.) Let’s just say…wooden doors don’t hit back.
2.) Purdue basketball + non-working robot + desk chair = angry parent
1.) At nationals this year I had a horrible time finding the stationary goal with the shooting balls. After a few matches I told Scott…“Don’t be afraid to hurt my feelings man, if you want to put Pat in…just put him in.” The next match…Pat played…and did very well. Oh well.

Libby and I got close this year working on IRI programs. She’s a great team leader who will sacrifice everything for those who depend on her. My only regret is waiting so long to get to know her.

A great leader is one who inspires their students to do great things…and keep in touch. Because of the marvel that is Fantasy Football…Jason and I are attempting to do both with Scott and Libby.

Thanks guys…we really can’t say it enough.

P.S. If you want to see this amazing duo in action…come to the Purdue regional in beautiful West Lafayette Indiana.

Wow, Scott and Libby - Congratulations to both of you - this is AWESOME.

I have had the great opportunity to work with Scott and Libby for a few years now. Cyber Blue Robotics, IRI, and now the Purdue Regional. Both are top notch and truly care about the experience “their” kids are having.

I must say that I thought Scott was almost as excited about Collin getting a FIRST schjolarship as I was - his bio proves it. Two recipients from the same team says a lot about the school and the total FIRST program that Scott started in 1999. I am glad to be a part of this team. Like so many students, Scott gave me an opportunity to be a part of FIRST and find a way to fit into team 234. Thanks for the opportunity - Although, I am still hurt from the rejection of my vacuum ball pick up idea my first season (it would have worked!).

Also to Libby - you run an excellent program and deal with the limitations and still make it an extremely positive experience for your students. I continue to be impressed by your involvement with Indiana education and FIRST. You absolutely have the best interest of your team at the heart of everything you do.

Thanks Scott and Libby for what you have done, and will continue to do, for Team 234, 393, Indiana and FIRST all around.

Awesome, dude and dude-ette! :slight_smile:

Chris Fultz –

congrats to 2 of the hardest working people in all of indiana. even before this recognition, we heard a lot about you guys and everything you do from up in hammond. thanks so much for all the work with indianaFIRST, and for helping to make iri a success year after year. also, to libby, thanks for supporting RCU (even though i was never actually able to get to a meeting last year) and pushing girls to realize that they CAN do exactly what the guys are doing, and maybe even better.

you both are an inspiration. congrats!

Way to go Scott and Lib! You guys do amazing work with your teams and with IRI. Scott, you help me all the time, and Libby…state fair 2003…you believed in me and my speaking abilities (or lackthereof)
You both more than deserve this award! Congratulations!!

Scott and Libby,

Congrats to both of you. Not only are you great people and great mentors, but you are also good friends. We’ve shared our frustrations and successes, and I greatly appreciate your kindness over these past few years.

Andy B.

Congratulations to Scott and Libby! I haven’t worked much with either of you, but from the little I’ve seen at IRI, I’ve always been amazed. Great work, and keep it up!