Ultimate Frisbee Anyone??

Do any of you like ultimate?


Ultimate frisbee has to be one of my favorite sports. We play it all the time at our nearby soccer fields.

I like to play, but i only get a few times a year to get any serious playing done. usually at camps or on retreats. one of the few sports i’m halfway decent at. :smiley:

who doesn’t love it?!

It is one of the most awesome sports I have ever played. I’ve been playing for two years and wish I learned what it was earlier.

I PLAY ON 3 TEAMS!!! :slight_smile: :ahh: :smiley: :yikes:

Our School has two tournaments a year where almost everyone is on a team(seriously, hundreds participate).
One at Homecoming and another during Spring Fling. I have 8 shirts sitting in my closet. The coolest thing is that the championship is held at night on the Varsity Football Field.

I played at VCU.


I LOVE Ultimate Frisbee!! We play it all the time.

Ahh ultimate frisbee!! I’m not sure if it was ultimate frisbee but it definetly involved a frisbee. Last year at nationals, team 88 taught me and my friend how to play. Let’s just say that it’s not one of our “better” sports; being that we’re both completely horrible and useless at it. They put up with us though and even cheered us on at some points. That was one memorable experience :slight_smile:

where’s Eugenia Gabielov when ya need her? Also Billfred - chime in here man!


I used to play Ultimate. Until the game where a friend had his front teeth smashed in by the Frisbee. After we rushed him to the doctor’s, we went back to get the Frisbee and we could see the indentations his teeth had left on it before they broke. After dealing with that gruesome incident, I’ll just stick with Frisbee golf.


I’m definitely going to be a professional ultimate frisbee player.

i am setting up a big game at nats check out the thread and respond so we get an idea of how many people will be there

That game is AMAZING!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I play at college for Rose-Hulman’s carpe discus.
Most schools have a club team. Check it out, most teams need good players, doesn’t matter how big the school is.

our team is addicted to ultimate frisbee, during spring break we had one if not 2 games a day.

Ultimate Frisbee is by far the greatest sport known to mankind.
I actually got onto our school’s team, but I didn’t join because of robotics (i don’t regret it one bit :slight_smile: ) I remember when the captain of the ultimate team saw me boarding the bus for the airport for the Championship last year, he shook his head… i just grinned at him :smiley:
It is, though, the unofficial team sport and every outing finds its way to a park and subsequently an ultimate game