This year, we are using REV UltraPlanetary Gearboxes for our drive.
Despite being extra careful with them, our robot still experiences sideways drift when trying to accelerate forward in autonomous.
We have properly tightened the bolts holding the gearboxes on so that they do not have any extra resistance, and have made sure that our axles have slight give so that they do not seize up the gearbox with lateral force. The motors are geared 12:1 (3:1 and 4:1 planetaries), the mecanum wheels are brand new, the robot only weighs 13 pounds, and the weight distribution is near centered.
This isolates the issue to the gearboxes themselves - so we tested the gearboxes by taking them off the motors and spinning their output by hand. When taking the front right motor apart and spinning the 3:1, it feels very low friction. However, the other motors’ 3:1s do not spin nearly as easily. All of the 4:1s also spin easily. However, even the worst gearbox on the robot spins much better than brand new gearboxes, which make an “oily” sound and are hard to spin. Our idea is that with use, the robot “breaks in” to the gearboxes, but we don’t want to rely on this because we have no control over how it happens. Because of this, we can’t even replace our gearboxes with brand new ones.
Is there any explanation for why some gearboxes spin better than others? Does anyone know what might be the underlying issue for why these gearboxes might spin this way? Is there any way to adjust the brand new gearboxes so that they all spin freely?