Unable to Build Code

I am not able to build. I have found and installed every library I could find that fits these problems, and it got rid of a few of them. However, I’m still getting these problems. Errors such as “accelstrategy”, which would be Navx. Or sparkmax, which would be rev. I have installed both of these libraries.

This is a small part of what is happening. Overall, it is 52k characters, which I could not fit in here. Any tips are appreciated

What’s the actual error the compiler is saying, and can you give a link to your github repository? Is it saying something like “accelstrategy is not defined” or “invalid sparkmax constructor”? It is very hard to determine whats going on without any information.

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we are having the same problems to many errors to fix

Then post some of them. Try the top 100 lines, we can’t help if we don’t know what the problem is.

we updating the code stuff to 2024 rn

pastebin.com is a handy site for sharing error logs. You paste them in on your side and share the URL it gives you.


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