I volunteered my laptop for use for this year’s competition since we didn’t have anyone else that had one that could be used. We used my laptop to install codes from Labview. During the NY regionals (March11-13) I was able to make code changes. We met back up after 2 weeks for a break and I tried to run some new code to the cRIO from my laptop. Unfortunately it did not work. I tried connecting with it wirelessly and nada. On the classmate provided in the 2011 KOP connecting wirelessly works fine…
Does anyone have any ideas why it’s not connecting?
I ran a diagnostics test to see what was wrong and this is what came up.(picture attached)
I tried changing the IP address in the TCP IP/4 in local connections. I’m out of ideas… I definitely want to say that it has something to do with my laptop but really have no clue.
Your laptop needs the same wireless security settings as are used on the robot’s DLink. Primarily WPA security and the passcode you’ll find on the DLink wireless setup page.
Davidthefat: I definitely hard-wire reset our radio and followed each step on the manual on the US First website.
Mark Mcleod: That was the very first setting that I put when I hard-wired reset the radio. I changed it according to the manual on USFIRST. I haven’t tried changing it back, which I will try tomorrow. In the tutorial provided with labview, it states to change it to WPA Personal.
Do you have any other possible ideas?.. It mentions resetting the “wireless network connection adapter” which means the IP address correct?
If you want to try something easier, like I personally do, then I would go and get File Zilla and do a manual transfer to the crio. Just be sure to upload the .out file to the crio and name it: FRC_UserProgram.out…its a binary file so you will need to select that option as well in File Zilla and if your wondering how to get the manual transfer window to pop up in File Zilla, then first just quick connect to 10.xx.yy.2, xx,yy corresponds to team number. After you quick connect just press ctrl + m that will pop open the manual transfer window. It works for me, might take a little longer that the built in function of Windriver and Labview, but after you keep using File Zilla, it gets fast…really fast…fast as lightning. If you need anymore help: just email me at: [email protected]
I am the head coder for team number 3346: Kamikaze Komets, which placed 18 out of 55 teams this year at the NC Regional. Would of placed higher if we didn’t get a red card. xD
we are having a similar issue but ours is with the driver’s station software.
Our lead programmer just got a new laptop. It can deploy fine out of labview but the driver’s station never gets comms. However the diagnostic tab shows that it sees/(I assume is able to ping) the robot and the radio. Anyone have any ideas what the driver station looks for between seeing the robot and displaying it has comms?