Hi! So my team recently decided that we would like to switch to Java from C++, and we are having a bit of trouble. I have some code ready to be sent the cRIO, but I cannot deploy it as I usually get two types of errors. One is that the build.xml messes up on lines 79 and 41 (will double check on that). After that error I usually cancel the build and try again and it goes through and then proceeds to get stuck on disable()… consider using your own (will update once I have the exact phrase.
Also I do have an established connection with my cRIO. I am able to ping it as well as FTP the IP address to access it. The firewall is disabled and I allowed netbeans to use an incoming and outgoing connections as it desires. I have tried this on two different laptops to no avail. Please help!
July 2, 2014, 1:22am
Did you reimage the cRIO for C++?
I reimaged the cRIO for Java.
July 2, 2014, 11:36am
build.xml contains the ANT targets that are run to build, deploy, etc. your code. Those errors may have a lot to do with your problems. If you post what the output is telling you is going wrong in build.xml it might help.
build.xml contains the ANT targets that are run to build, deploy, etc. your code. Those errors may have a lot to do with your problems. If you post what the output is telling you is going wrong in build.xml it might help.
Here it is
ant -f C:\\Users\\Developer\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\RobotTemplate deploy run
Deleting directory C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\classes
[crio-compile] ./src, C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\wpilibj.jar;C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib
etworktables-crio.jar, C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\squawk.jar -> ./build/classes
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\classes
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify.raw.util
[crio-preverify] ./build/classes, , C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\wpilibj.jar;C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib
etworktables-crio.jar, C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\squawk.jar -> ./build/preverify
Expanding: C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\lib\wpilibj.jar into C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify
Expanding: C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\lib
etworktables-crio.jar into C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify
[crio-jar] ./build/preverify, ./resources -> ./build/app.jar
Building jar: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\app.jar
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
[crio-suite] ./build/app.jar -> ./build/suite/image
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/Method.getParameterTypes
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/SymbolParser.getSignatureTypeAt
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/SymbolParser.stripMethods
[translating suite image [closed: false, parent: squawk] ...]
### Excluding compile: com.sun.squawk.Method::getParameterTypes
### Excluding compile: com.sun.squawk.SymbolParser::getSignatureTypeAt
[Including resource: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF]
[Including resource: META-INF/maven/edu.wpi.first.wpilib.networktables.java/NetworkTablesAzalea/pom.properties]
[Including resource: META-INF/maven/edu.wpi.first.wpilib.networktables.java/NetworkTablesAzalea/pom.xml]
Romizer processed 388 classes and generated 4 files.
Expanding: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\app.jar into C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Deleting: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\image.suite.api
[crio-configure] Configuration files not included in this version of the sdk
[crio-configure] Checking that crio is configured for Java
Host OS: Windows 7 6.1, 6.1
Host JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 24.45-b08
Target IP:
Network interfaces on host:
Marvell Yukon 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller: address: netmask: <--- on robot's subnet
Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card: address: netmask:
Connecting FTP @
C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\build.xml:79: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\ant\configure.xml:41: Expected version "Java;" for Language but got "C;". Go to http://first.wpi.edu/FRC/frcjava.html to get latest software update
BUILD FAILED (total time: 8 seconds)
July 2, 2014, 5:17pm
Expected version “Java;” for Language but got “C;”
This is the most glaring problem to me. I don’t know exactly but I think your controller may not actually be imaged for Java at the moment.
It is definitely imaged to Java. I imaged it twice and just checked the FRC_ImageVersion.ini file on the cRio itself and it says:
Thank you for all of your help, turns out it was the computer!