Unable to deploy code to cRIO

Hi! So my team recently decided that we would like to switch to Java from C++, and we are having a bit of trouble. I have some code ready to be sent the cRIO, but I cannot deploy it as I usually get two types of errors. One is that the build.xml messes up on lines 79 and 41 (will double check on that). After that error I usually cancel the build and try again and it goes through and then proceeds to get stuck on disable()… consider using your own (will update once I have the exact phrase.

Also I do have an established connection with my cRIO. I am able to ping it as well as FTP the IP address to access it. The firewall is disabled and I allowed netbeans to use an incoming and outgoing connections as it desires. I have tried this on two different laptops to no avail. Please help!

Did you reimage the cRIO for C++?

I reimaged the cRIO for Java.

build.xml contains the ANT targets that are run to build, deploy, etc. your code. Those errors may have a lot to do with your problems. If you post what the output is telling you is going wrong in build.xml it might help.

Here it is

ant -f C:\\Users\\Developer\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\RobotTemplate deploy run
Deleting directory C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\classes
[crio-compile] ./src, C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\wpilibj.jar;C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib
etworktables-crio.jar, C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\squawk.jar -> ./build/classes
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\classes
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify.raw.util
[crio-preverify] ./build/classes, , C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\wpilibj.jar;C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib
etworktables-crio.jar, C:/Users/Developer/sunspotfrcsdk\lib\squawk.jar -> ./build/preverify
Expanding: C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\lib\wpilibj.jar into C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify
Expanding: C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\lib
etworktables-crio.jar into C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\preverify
[crio-jar] ./build/preverify, ./resources -> ./build/app.jar
Building jar: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\app.jar
Created dir: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
[crio-suite] ./build/app.jar -> ./build/suite/image
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/Method.getParameterTypes
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/SymbolParser.getSignatureTypeAt
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sun/squawk/SymbolParser.stripMethods
[translating suite image [closed: false, parent: squawk] ...]
### Excluding compile: com.sun.squawk.Method::getParameterTypes
### Excluding compile: com.sun.squawk.SymbolParser::getSignatureTypeAt
[Including resource: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF]
[Including resource: META-INF/maven/edu.wpi.first.wpilib.networktables.java/NetworkTablesAzalea/pom.properties]
[Including resource: META-INF/maven/edu.wpi.first.wpilib.networktables.java/NetworkTablesAzalea/pom.xml]
Romizer processed 388 classes and generated 4 files.
Expanding: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\app.jar into C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Moving 1 file to C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\build\suite
Deleting: C:\Users\Developer\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RobotTemplate\image.suite.api
[crio-configure] Configuration files not included in this version of the sdk
[crio-configure] Checking that crio is configured for Java
Host OS: Windows 7 6.1, 6.1
Host JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 24.45-b08
Target IP:
Network interfaces on host:
    Marvell Yukon 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller:  address: netmask: <--- on robot's subnet
    Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card:  address: netmask:
Connecting FTP @
C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\build.xml:79: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Developer\sunspotfrcsdk\ant\configure.xml:41: Expected version "Java;" for Language but got "C;". Go to http://first.wpi.edu/FRC/frcjava.html to get latest software update
BUILD FAILED (total time: 8 seconds)

Expected version “Java;” for Language but got “C;”

This is the most glaring problem to me. I don’t know exactly but I think your controller may not actually be imaged for Java at the moment.

It is definitely imaged to Java. I imaged it twice and just checked the FRC_ImageVersion.ini file on the cRio itself and it says:



Thank you for all of your help, turns out it was the computer!