Unable to Download Autodesk Field

Is anyone else having this problem? Also, if anyone else has the CAD files, could you comment with a link?


I have contacted the IT folks to resolve this issue.


For anyone else struggling with this issue, I found that by going to this website: https://www.autodesk.com/education/competitions-and-events/first/recommended-software
You can download a .step file of the field, that works just fine.


Yeah Iā€™m having this problem too, but the above post does work for the time being.

I think the site is having issues with the traffic or the file is hosted incorrectly. Just a guess though.

Here is a GrabCAD link

If you need the Inventor field model before Monday you can email me at [email protected] and I will provide you with a solution.

Downloading the .step file of the field and opening in Inventor works perfectly. Thanks!

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