Unable to get Atonomus to run

Getting an error code of “Watch dog not Feed”? Any idea what that means?
We cannot find anything on it.

It is a safety thing. It makes sure your code has not crashed.

At the beginning or end of each autonomus.periodic and teleop.periodic, you feed the watchdog.

Or you can disable it.

If you are already doing that, make sure you have the most recent:

  1. Roborio Firmware
  2. Driver Station version
  3. radio firmware

sometimes a connection problem can cause it.

Thank you!! We will try your suggestions and let you know.

Good Morning Rich,
Our robot will work in tele-op, but will not work Autonomous.
We tried each of your suggestions, but Eclipse does not recognizes what Watchdog is?

Try the the “setSafetyEnabled” using the robot drive “chassis.setSafetyEnabled(false)” return false so the safety is off. Sorry if I could not help. Also ( make sure you dont use the name chassis it was just an example use the name of your RobotDrive you created)

Thank you both for all the help, but we managed to fix our problem by changing autonomousPeriodic to autonomous in our code due to recent changes that we were not informed of.

Have a good build and tournaments