Undreground Atlanta get-togeather (thursday april 15)

After the day of competion practice we thought it be a good idea to go to underground atlanta. where we could shop, socialise, and be crazy robotics people like we are. we would like to see as many other teams there as possible heres a link to underground atlanta’s site http://www.underatl.com/1a.home.html](http://www.underatl.com/1a.home.html)

last year at houston US (SwampThing#179) anD SPAM#180 Went to a mall in houston, and ice skated shoped ate and had a blast. we think this year we could have a much biggher get-togeather, We hope to see you there

I dont know about everyone else on the MOE team but u can most likely count me in :slight_smile:

if the parents dont go nazi on us ill be there =D

seems like a really good idea… i will talk to my teacher to see if we can join you guys…

Yea, Us team 250ians stayed at the westin connected to the Galleria mall of which you speak. Fun times.

Hey Tytus i was thinking along the same lines as of this since theres only going to be so much we all can do at the web hug and at the competition, i was going to try to do something like this. Though i have a better idea now, what if we got a pretty good head count on interested people and we all go out and meet there and have a huge FIRST dinner one of the nights, i think that would rock the undrground…

I hope they will allow Segways … :smiley:

My team and I were looking today at what we could do as a team… But if there are a bunch of teams going to be there than you can most likely count us in…

great idea perfect chance for such a thing ,your buying right?

Tytus you know me and dan and the rest of the team are in, now since this was your idea you gotta set it up :stuck_out_tongue:

I heard that place is a bad area if you know what I mean… Our team heard that there have been problems there and aren’t sure if we want in…

Well … Underground Atlanta certainly isn’t Disney World by any means. It is lined with clubs and bars, and I’m not sure I’d take a school group on a Saturday night, but usually it’s reasonably peaceful.

It has actually cleaned up a lot in recent years and what you heard is probably a few years old.

I will run this by my lead mentor and might have the everyone from all of the students on this trip which adds up to a wopping 13.

I would definately love that. Everywhere weve gone this year I’ve been cooped up in the hotel pretty much. Love it. I also love being alumni now, I DONT HAVE TO ASK!
See u there, I’ll stop by ur pits to get the info.

While im not going championship this year, sadly(our team chose not to go because half of our team couldnt make it, including me) i will be in atlanta for a field trip at coincidentally at the same time(the reason half the team couldnt make it). Im not when we’re going to the undrground, but I hope to see some of you there. have fun at championships.

You guys are correct that it’s not the best part of town. Personally, I wouldn’t go there by myself, but in a large group you should be fine.

I seriously think you guys worry to much sometimes.
a large group of teeneagers all in BRIGHT! colored shirts easily spoted and acounted for. i would like to hear the opinion of somone who has actualy been there instead of second hand rumors

Team 836 will be there. It is right across the street from our hotel the Hyatt.

around what time?.. our team was planing to go. we could posibly jon you guys (and girls)

I’ve actually been there Tytus. I went there during the day, though, but it wasn’t that bad. My mom, my girl friend, and I went with my brother and we were perfectly okay. I’m sure a huge group of us, with a majority of guys would have tons of fun. They have lots of good restaurants and shops and music. And we can all take pictures with the funky cows.

It can’t be any worse than Clematis. Just don’t linger away from the main stretch of restaurants and stuff.