Watching ‘The Incredibles’ as a kid the analogy the boss uses about a company being like a clock sticks in my head. Ever since I was a kid the scene where he says “mesh together” and interlocks his fingers like gears sticks in my head when talking about meshing gears in FRC.
Anyone else have some fun movie scene(s) that has some snippet of engineering knowledge or insight that stuck with you as you grew up? Obviously gears must mesh seems super obvious but it’s stuck in there like a game piece in a field prop
JK, I think you’ll find a lot of people here grew up watching a lot of sci-fi and went “I want to make that”. Many people I’ve worked with, the second they got a 3D printer started making figures from their favorite shows. This then made them invest time in research of material science.
Mythbusters did show me that the garage door opener motor can turn an office chair into an oscillating mount for… Ummm… Something. They were testing a scene from Breaking Bad. I don’t recall the specifics but essentially a linkage where a wrench welded to the shaft of the garage door motor was connected to a rod that was mounted to the bottom corner of the chair. As it spun (think like a train wheel kind of) the linkage would twist the chair and swivel the object on the chair.
Mythbusters might be cheating though. I always expected to learn something when watching that.