Universal Robot Unvaling Thread

Although I created another version of this last year to no avail, this year I’m trying it again. From what I saw, the first few bots that had their pictures on CD were talked about infinitely. But then latter on, cooler ones and better ones were ignored. So here is my idea.

I think everyone should release their specs and pictures of their robot on a given date. You can ask and help other people and do everything else, just save the picts for latter so it’s less likely people will copy, more likely to talk about all the robots, and create anticipation.

Anyone agree? :]


Sorry I agree with “No”

If teams want to release info early thats fine with me.

I don’t think machines that came out later were less talked about, or thought of as less cool.

And to be honest I have found it helpful to see at least glimpses of what other teams are doing during the build period.

There’s already a WHOLE forum devoted to this…it’s called the Robot Showcase…:slight_smile:

He’s talking about coordinating a specific date for everybody to unveil their robot, so that nobody is forgotten about or ignored. You can try – but I don’t think it will happen. Many teams like to wait until a competition before revealing their robot/strategy. Others document the whole build process.

As Adam said – we have a forum for this, so feel free to post in there as often as you like, showing everybody your robot.

I believe Ken L was going to make an index thread, which will be stuck at the top. It lists each team, by number, and a link to their post & picture. I think he said he’d do this again this year … if not, we’ll find someone to do it. :slight_smile:

<plug>( I really need to make one post about this and then just link them all, i’ve typed that at least 5 times now :))

Team 201, The FEDS, have a Team Profile section set up on their website (www.feds201.com). In this team profile, teams are allowed to have a description of their robot/team, and then a section for links/pictures. This ‘profile’ can be updated by one team member at any time. (The updater must register for www.feds201.com though) Next to the profile will be a section where anyone will be allowed to ‘vote’ on that bot. It will be mostly subjective data, but with lots of people voting, the resualts might be good.

There will also then be a ‘team forum’. This is just like a vB fourm, (well actually a phpBB fourm), and you don’t need to register to the site to post. Here people can comment on the robot profile / team. There may also be intergrated links back to CD. (I’ll work on that.)

for any more info, see the scouting forum. :slight_smile:
