Hello All,
I understand Purdue and Virginia Tech has an Engineering Education Program, does anyone know what other universities has such a program ?
Hello All,
I understand Purdue and Virginia Tech has an Engineering Education Program, does anyone know what other universities has such a program ?
You are looking to teach Engineering correct? Many schools that have engineering programs have double degrees that you can study to become a teacher while taking an engineering program yourself. This leaves alot of options open for you. If you just want to go into education, I would do a search for Technology Education programs then go from there. I am in the technical education program at Oregon State University, the program allows you teach anything from electronics to computer science to metals and woods. It all depends on how you are placed and the license you hold. Current teachers can probably expand on this topic as well.
Purdue does have a Technology education degree. I’m very much considering it myself. It is constantly ranked the top program in the united states for Tech. Education. It also offers a 100% placement rating. You can also double major in Information Technology…just in case teaching isn’t for you. Here are some links.
It’s very cool to hear of FIRST student who are interested in becoming technology and engineering teachers. The link below lists schools who offer degree programs in Technology Education or Pre-engineering Education. The field use to be called Industrial Arts and can now probabaly be called any combination of the words above with education to follow!
Message me if you have any questions about this. I am a FIRST alumni who went on to become a Technology Education teacher.
Hello All,
Thanks all for the info. I am looking more on the graduate level for Engineering Education, since I already hold a B.S in Electrical Engineering.
Anyone has had any experience with those two programs ?
Virginia Tech
I think there are two other universities in the country that offers this type of program…
I don’t know anyone who has studied in our program off the top of my head. I know ENE is a relatively new department and the College of Engineering has put a lot of resources into it.
Our staff advisor for Purdue FIRST Programs is in the ENE department. Would you like his contact information?
It appears from the Purdue ENE website that they are currently not accepting any M.S. ENE candidates :o :
I know a couple members (PhD students) of the program who seem very enthusiastic about it (I have had the pleasure of interacting with them when ME has seminars that involve speakers in the design and engineering education area.)
From what I can tell, the people in the program are vibrant and interested in what they do, and there is quite a bit of interaction with people from other departments here at Purdue, so you wouldn’t be just learning about Engineering Education ideas, but rather you can have a large degree of interaction with engineering educators and people who are directly influenced by the field (i.e. students) from all sorts of engineering disciplines. In the past several years especially Purdue has been feeling more and more interdisciplinary on the graduate level and I think that can only benefit an Engineering Education program.
Since you already have an undergrad degree you might take a look at your state’s certification program for alternate route certification. This type of certification gets you into the classroom and would have you taking teacher training courses during your first year. This is a link to some information on Alternate Route programs in your state, MO. Take a look at the homepage of that site if you need the broad information pertaining to Alternate Route Certification.
It’s great seeing someone people with engineering experience decide to take the plunge into teaching. It really is a great experience for the professionals and the students.
The University of Texas just started a new program this year which has three different levels to it. Here is the link to the website.
Sounds to me like you might be interested in the UTeachEngineering Master of Arts in Science and Engineering Education (MASEE).
My assistant in for the Robotics Team is doing the Summer Institute Training since he already has his Master’s Degree and he is an electrical engineer as well as a teacher at our school.
Scholarships are available for tuition as well as travel and housing expenses.
Hope that helps. If you want more information later this year about the summer program, let me know and I will get you in touch with my assistant coach on the team.
I am in the Engineering/Technology Teacher Education (ETTE) program at Purdue currently, if you have any questions about it feel free to email me.
I’m in the Technology and Engineering Education program at Central Connecticut State University. They do offer it at all three levels, undergrad, graduate and doctorate.
You can check out the website: http://www.teched.ccsu.edu/ or email/PM me if you have any other questions.
You should also look at Tufts
They have a PhD in Math, Science, Technology, and Engineering (STEM) Education
Their Center Engineering Education Outreach is a very interesting program run by an inspiring guy (Chris Rogers)
Thanks all for the postings !!!. A lot good information, I did not know there is so many colleges and universities engaged in Engineering Education programs.
Anyone have experience with Virginia Tech Engineering Education program ?
Dont rule out Mechanical Engineering or other engineering programs. I got my degree in mechanical engineering worked in robotics, CAD, and biotech fields and then taught for 10 plus years to both college and high school. Engineering degrees give you options! Marie
I don’t have the experience of being in the program there but I’ve heard awesome things from my friends who have attended for their graduate degrees. Also, I had a lengthy conversation with the program director, Mark, at the ITEA convention. He was extremely friendly, accommodating, and approachable. He also invited me to the campus for a visit of the program but I never took him up on the offer. I certainly recommend contacting him directly to learn more about the VT Tech Ed program.
If you are interested in the convergence of engineering, education, and engineering education you must go to this thread to hear a very important lecture from Dr. Woodie Flowers.