University of Kansas robotics students requesting parts

Hi! My name is Garen, both @Kiernan and i are a part of the University of Kansas’s Robotics Organization, or KURO for short. We have a swerve drive base that we intend to get up and running, but lack a few essential parts. We were wondering if any teams around the Mo-Kan area, or even Kansas in general, have a spare Rio 1 and a Pigeon 2, although the Pigeon is a lesser priority. We are more than willing to come and pick up, but can cover shipping if need be.
Thanks ever so much!

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This is kind of a big ask, especially since preseason has started. Can I ask what purpose are you going to get a swerve chassis going while in college?

This is entirely recreational, as it’s a robotics club at the university. One student started it around 4/5 years ago, and never got around to finishing it. Totally understandable that it’s a big ask, and if we can’t get a supplier that’s alright.

I happen to have a rio, though not sure when I can get it out to you.