Greetings Fellow FRC and FIRST members. I am the leader of a small group called OpenFRC. We do a lot of software development for FRC, ranging from things like a WPILib replacement, to an open source scouting app, but that is not why I am here today. I am here today to let you all know that we are staging a Hackathon event, in which you and your team of up to 5 members can compete in a competition to show your skills in a variety of programming skills. This will be taking place soon, and more information will be released in the coming weeks about when this will happen. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form, or e-mail either me (zero_frost@protonmaillcom) or OpenFRC ([email protected]) to get information about pre-registration.
Thank you and have a great summer,
- OpenFRC Initiative
Alright so update Time! I am sorry, as I do not know how to use CD quite yet, so I will be posting updates as replies. The date has been finalized. It will take place…
August 6th through August 13th, but everything must be submitted by 12pm PST on the 13th.
I see that some people have been questioning how the hackathon will be held. I shall shed the light upon that question. You will need to create your code locally on your own computer and then submit it online. I hope that clears things up. Good luck to all!
UPDATE: This is in no way affiliated with FIRST. It is a competition being run by a group called OpenScout, an independent group who develops open source tools for scouting.
Sorry, some stuff came up for a few members, so we are shifting the release day to tomorrow. I greatly apologize, for this, but rest assured, the ending day is being moved as well. We have a few things to finish in the rules, and I need to finish up the sample code to demonstrate the challenge. Once again I apologize, it was my action/inaction that cause the delay.