As the competition went on we climbed up to 7th place, which we thought was pretty good for being a rookie team. We never realized that our own alliance teammate would go against us. We had gotten on the bar every time. So…as the other oppent teams had huddled around us in order to not let us get to the bar. At the end we saw our alliance member putting balls in the opposing teams shoot. We even have video of this. They managed to even shove us off the field at one time. Our sensor busted… popped a tire bent a mnuematic holder…well 2 actually.
Even after all of this, there’s nothing the ref’s say they can do. It’s bull that teams have to do this to other teams… we got knocked down to 20th place after this. I guess it happens, but I mean… come on. Where the sportsmanship? I thought it was about teamwork. Oh well. I’ll stop talking now.