Unsung FIRST Heroes Award at IRI

For the second year in a row, the Unsung FIRST Heroes Committee has decided to honor a mentor at the IRI whose service to the FIRST community is exceptional. The Unsung FIRST Heroes Award on ChiefDelphi.com has been around for almost two years, and has recognized over 38 individuals in FIRST whose service to the program is invaluable.

The mentor must be present at the IRI, however, individuals not belonging to a team present may still vote. Voting will begin after opening ceremonies on Friday, and ballots and a ballot box will be located at the event. The award will be presented on Saturday during the Awards Ceremony. Details about the award and voting process follow.

  • Votes are not from a team, but from individuals in FIRST
  • One vote per person
  • You do not have to vote for someone one your team
  • The AMOUNT of submissions for a person is not always the significant factor, the QUALITY of the submissions is what makes the judges’ minds. 50 mediocre nominations do not equal one outstanding nomination.
  • While there is no set length limit, your nomination must fit on the front and back of the ballot - no extra sheets of paper, etc.
  • Mentors who have won the Woodie Flowers Award, whether regional or national, are ineligible
  • You may not vote for team members or people who are not present

Good luck to all mentors at the event, and happy voting!

Amanda Morrison and the UFH Committee

WOOHOO…I’m ready to nominate!

There has been this one person who I wanted to see as a UFH for a long time now. I have even nominated her, but no results. I think this is the time where I can get my fellow FIRSTers to nominate and vote for this one FIRSTer that I look up to all the time. :slight_smile:

Excellent! I was very happy with Scott Vierstra from #892 being chosen, and I fully expect that by both UFH and IRI putting their names on this award in its second running, that a selection worthy of the premier reputation that both groups have built for themselves will be chosen. Can’t wait to see who it is!