Upcoming Season

OK, let me warn everyone I’m not sure how to write this thread.

I’m attempting to start the Inspiration Foundation again and I’m looking for any help I can get. I’m not sure right now what I’m after, but I’m fearing that if I am unable to get this company running (at least somewhat) this season, I may have to dissolve it, and all the investments that went into it. I know some people have shown interest in this. Basically if you have a couple of minutes to contribute to this, it would be greatly appreciated. I’m beginning to try to contact everyone I know to see what’s happening.

Let me know what everyone wants to do about this. I can’t wait to hear from everyone.


What is the purpose of Inspiration Foundation, what is the goal? (a mission statement always helps get projects moving, or so I’ve noticed)

I could help in the ways of advice…



We’ve tried to jump in a number of directions. I think we were going to be the original support system for FIRSTers and FIRST teams. We’ve tried to jump in many directions in an attempt to get people to join and I think that’s run us thin. I’ll be at Riverrage probably looking over my documents trying to come up with something if someone cares to brainstorm with me. TTYL.

I unfortunately won’t be able to make it to River Rage, I’ll probably be out flying.

It seems that your topic of interest is very broad, so when brainstorming… I’d suggest narrowing IF’s service to either a specific geographical area, or specific aspect of helping FIRST Teams. Another thing, I found it easier to recruit help when there is an established organization (or idea of org) in place. Many people want to be helpful, but many would rather just be told what needs to be done instead of participating in the overall structure & management concepts.

Sounds like a great place to start. Many thanks for the advice. I’ll try to post what we come up with for everyone to look over. I guess if people have thoughts before Riverrage, post them, and I’ll attempt to bring them with me.

Does anyone want to try to have an online meeting? Or am I jumping the gun too quickly. I’ll be posting after Riverrage on everything we get accomplished and any ideas that arrise. I want to get as much as I can out there cause I believe someone might see it and want to develop it. Anyway, hope to see many of you at Riverrage.


OK, here are my ideas from the past weekend. Unfortunately due to the low number of people attending Riverrage and the high number of robot repairs, etc., I didn’t try to talk to anyone about this. So here are my ideas, translated out of my notebook where I scribbled them.

Ideas 9/12/04

Mission Statement
[li]Location: just New England? (CT, RI, MA, NH, ME, VT, possibly NY?)[/li][li]What do we do: help teams[/li][list]
[li]Pre/Post Season[/li][li]Fund-raising[/li][li]Off-season Competitions[/li][li]Organization/Execution[/li][/ul]
[li]Else: Find sponsors[/li][li]Else: Contact other similar organizations in/out side of New England.[/li][/list]Mission Statement Thought:

To help FRC teams in New England with the full running of their team. In addition , we will be on the constant lookout for sponsorship and communicate with other organizations that would have an interest in furthering out goals.

[li]To start 20 new team within 5 years.[/li][li]To raise $10,000 for team use for next season.[/li][li]To setup an effective computer network amount FIRST teams.[/li][li]Host conferences/workshops for new/existing teams.[/li][/ul]Departments
[li]Management - helps organize and run the teams. Management advice comes from this group.[/li][li]Web - web design aide to teams and also responsible for running the Inspiration Foundation Inc. website and other similar websites the company might be using. This might turn into the most creative group as I think most of us are just going to say ‘this website needs this, this, and this’ and providing it’s done and works, we probably will care less about the method that is used.[/li][li]Fund-raising - responsible for helping teams raise cash and to teach them about fund-raising methods. Also responsible for helping the Inspiration Foundation Inc. raise cash for grants and it’s own use.[/li][li]Publicity - responsible for helping teams publicize themselves and also for publicizing the Inspiration Foundation Inc. [/li][li]Executive - responsible for the general running of the Inspiration Foundation Inc. [/li][li]Build - helps teams in developing and building their robot. This could quite possibly be an all year group that’s totally devoted if the group chooses, between teaching, advising, assisting in development and build, and probably a couple of other things that could be put in here.[/li][/ul]

We need to develop a brief company description for a business plan. This would require input and might be delayed due to we’re not quite ready to write the business plan.

We need to develop a marketing plan for a business plan and also to get our name out there… This would require input and might be delayed slightly until we get ourselves together more.

Considering a totally virtual Board of Directors. This is my thought so that we can get a great numerous amounts of input from all corners of New England (or further if we decide to go that far). Other considerations for this need to be who is allowed or should be on the Board of Directors. Also would we care to attempt to make a Board of Advisor’s and/or Trustees

We should spin off the FIRST-a-holics Anonymous onto it own organization. We would need someone to take the reins of this project if that was to happen. It doesn’t need to make money and I don’t see why the Inspiration Foundation Inc. couldn’t continue sponsoring it, but I do believe it is a burden to be considered with the company at this stage in the game.

Consideration of any on-line meetings that we have to make them open to not only all FIRSTers, but also to the world in general. We should have someone keep minutes for the meeting as well and be able to post meeting minutes to chiefdelphi.com and possible our own web-page. This is too allow other teams and organizations to see what we’re doing and join us if it help them.

OK everyone, I think that’s about it for now. Can’t wait to hear from everyone. TTYL.


OK, due to the fact that for whatever reason I can’t edit my previous post, I’ll add on the one note I found buried in my notebook.


I believe we have to maximize the use of internet technologies for effective communications and executions of plans. I don’t mean necessarily high speed transfer, but just the use of email and contacting of people. I don’t want decisions for this organization to be taking forever due to the time it takes to talk. I’m sure most teams would agree with this. The faster we can make decisions, the more time we can put to more important things like the teams.