the state of a team in which they receive zero (0) MATCH points and
zero (0) Ranking Points in a Qualification MATCH or causes their
ALLIANCE to receive zero (0) MATCH points in a Playoff MATCH <\quote>
So a total scoring fail in a Qual match earns a disqualification? If you’re in Q1 in an alliance that can’t move far enough to fall off the HAB in 15 seconds, and can’t do anything else, that’s it?
I assume it’s meant to be read as “If a team gets themselves disqualified in a MATCH, they (or their entire alliance, if it’s a Playoff MATCH) receive 0 MATCH/Ranking points for that MATCH.”
Along with what pabeekm said, a disqualification by the manual’s rules isn’t a full disqualification from the competition. It’s just for that match and as far as I know, no rules can get your team totally disqualified from the competition.
C3 and C4 come to mind. Also E13. I’ve only known of 1 violation of those 3 rules combined, and E13 didn’t exist yet in any form–the violation is the reason the rule exists.
But yes, Disqualification is actually a penalty. The way I describe it is “if you are disqualified, you get NOTHING from the match you just played”. The update just closed a minor loophole. DQs are given with Red Cards, except in one very specific case (C6 if you haven’t passed your initial inspection, which doesn’t give a Red Card and thus doesn’t hurt you if you get a Yellow Card later).