Update 12

10th Defense? Is this true or false

For those unaware, Team Update 12: https://firstfrc.blob.core.windows.net/frc2016manuals/TeamUpdates/12.pdf

If you followed the directions written in the update, you would’ve seen this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF0rj-FXcEI.

Why put that in a Team Update? Obviously all it is going to do is confuse people. Like the game manual and updates aren’t confusing enough as it is.

This was a poor attempt at being funny at a terribly stressful time in the season. Please don’t ever do something like this in the official rules documents again.

I’ve been hunting for it also. Maybe it’s because I’m on my phone at school (during lunchtime, not class, I promise!) but I can’t find anything about this 10th defense other than the mention that it’s supposedly been added in Update 12. The FIRST app doesn’t seem to include any mention of it in the manual, nor the FIRST website - Section 2 of the Game Manual was last updated on the 16th. Can any other CD users with an actual computer verify that I’m not going crazy?

EDIT: Nevermind. We got memed hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF0rj-FXcEI

Go into the team updates manual in the FIRST app and click the picture.

(But honestly I didn’t need this in a team update)

I don’t understand why it was a part of the update if it was a spoof.

The video is only in the team update pdf itself because it’s a joke.

“You know what would really enhance our official documentation? Bad memes!”

-people that clearly hate me

It’s a ruse! We’ve been duped! Hoodwinked! Bamboozled! We’ve been smeckledorfed!

I just looked on the FIRST app; unless actual dragon fire as shown by team 2526 is going to be used in a match, this is just some kind of joke. It seems weird that they would put this in an actual team update, but I guess…

I know they are playing on the previous expectation of an end game being added in 2014 (which obviously never happened), but I think this is in poor taste. Nothing against the team that made this vid, but FIRST shouldn’t do this to us rather stressed individuals.

Updates and the Manual are no place for jokes and goofing around.

This is very true. If there goal was to freak us out, they have succeeded.

Agreed… the 10th defense video in the Team Update was unnecessarily nerve-wracking. :frowning:

Has anyone else tried to get the driverstation update? It does not appear to be posted on the NI website yet… :(](http://www.chiefdelphi.com//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/)

Going to have to agree with you. Teams shouldn’t be using places that are highly referenced for jokes. I imagine the fallout of this is going to be a bunch of blow back on the Q&A going…
Which I in all honesty considered doing upon seeing it in the manual, except with more colorful language.

Got me.

That’s not even a word and I agree with ya!

Update 13: Low bar is now 2" shorter. Design accordingly. :slight_smile:

lol, that was a pretty good troll. Now we can say we are more like Battlebots because have fire too!

Personally I see this as a harmless joke. I like that FIRST is putting the work of FRC teams out there for all to see. I’d really like to see more of it. Was this the best avenue for FIRST to show off this video? Absolutely not, it should have been in a blog, but I still appreciate the direction that FIRST is headed.

They Got me for a second then I realized it was a joke. Would of be cool to have a dragon somewhere on the field since is a medieval theme only thing missing was a dragon