Obviously they did something with the shipping crates, but I can’t figure out what the change was…
Obviously they did something with the shipping crates, but I can’t figure out what the change was…
Here is the old text:
4.3.4. NEW: Required Crate Contents
Teams must include the robot and robot controls (Operator Interface, OI power supply, joysticks,
etc.). When shipping the batteries in the crate, carefully and completely follow all instructions
listed above in “Battery Packaging.”
- Non-North American teams cannot ship batteries with their crate(s). They must
make arrangements with FIRST to pick up a battery for competition at their initial
event.)- SAFETY NOTE: Don’t pack all of your safety glasses in your crate. You will need
them when uncrating!
And here is the new text:
4.3.4. NEW: Required Crate Contents
Teams must include:
the Robot
the Operator Console
o See section 8 for definition of Operator Console
o If you use a computer as part of the Console, you do not have to ship the
computer, but may not continue to program your dashboard
the two (2) Kit of Parts 12VDC batteries
Please pack per “Battery Packaging” section above.
- Non-North American teams cannot ship batteries with their crate(s). They must
make arrangements with FIRST to pick up a battery for competition at their initial
event.)- SAFETY NOTE: Don’t pack all of your safety glasses in your crate. You will need
them when uncrating!
The major difference is that you don’t have to include your dashboard computer.
I’m glad that FIRST has made an official response to the Banebots transmission issue.