hello all!
my team and me are traing to use the US digital encoders, and nothing works
we are using the ENCODER WITH MOTER exemple as our program.
they are wierd correctly ,ive cheeked that more then once, no fulty cabels or short circut’s
we tryed 4 diffrent encoders and nothing works!
iv’e tryed to see them on an occiloscope (signal and gnd cabels)
and all i get is a flat line (from 4 diffrent encoders)
what am i doing wrong?!?!?!!?
Can you take pictures of your wiring and post your code here? That will help people try to diagnose your problems.
i’m using the standart motor with encoder exemple.vi (the only change i made is to the IP of the cRIO)
the wiering is
orange- 5V
blue- chanle A
black- GND
yellow - chanle B
Inside the encoders are small “wheels” with a pattern of very fine lines etched into them. The positioning of these wheels is important to having the encoders work.
Photographs will help us help you.
Please remove the circular black cover off the back of the encoder body and take a photograph showing the sensor body, sensor wheel, and shaft you are trying to measure.
The wiring you have above sounds right, but to what are they leading? I hope to a digital input on the digital sidecar - orange to a 5 V pin, GND to a GND pin, and blue to one SIGnal input and Brown to a different signal input.
BUT, with +5 V and gnd, you should be seeing a scope pattern on both channels A and B, so I am suspecting your mechanical arrangement may be in need of adjustment.
ive attached an image .
and yes, the wiers go to the right places in the DIO
Can you include a picture of it wired? And a picture of the wires at the Digital Side Car?
If it is wired properly, you should see a small but visible red light on the encoder PCB. The red light should point at the black lines on the disc.
If you don’t see a red light, then your +5V or GND are wired wrong, or worse, you may have ripped the solder pads off the PCB by plugging/unplugging the connector too harshly.
The connectors on these encoders are my nemesis. I am usually very careful when it comes to plugging and unplugging connectors in general. But for some reason I’ve trashed at least a half-dozen of these encoders by simply trying to unplug them.
If you DO see the red light, then check the spacing between the disc and the red light. The encoders come with a spacing tool, which just looks like a black washer with a groove along the side. USE THIS TOOL. You put the disc on black washer and push both on to the shaft together. The black washer will hit the two plastic tabs on the encoder base, and that’s when you’ve hit the optimal distance. Remove the black washer, leave the optical disc on the shaft at the perfect distance.
Pinch the teeth on both sides of the disc to tighten the grip on the shaft before installing.
If you take a picture, check to see if your camera has a “macro” setting. Most do.
I’m attaching pictures of all of the wireing.
i do have red light after pluging the encoder and runing it . other then the fact that i dont get anything in the VI, i’m pretty sure ive done anything right
it’s my 4th encoders to have this problem today
Your connector at the Digital Sidecar has the red and black wires mixed up I believe.
Red (+5V) should be in the middle position, not ground.
I don’t know how you got the red light with it wired up this way…
(i feel so stupid now, the PWM cable is assembeld wrong)
Hey, it happens to all of us. Just glad we could help.
Yep! Seen it/done it all before!
Welcome to the club!
Be sure that the connector is mounted over the depression in the plastic base. We have had failures when the board was tightened down and the tabs on the back side of the board forced a fracture in the board.
FYI, It is also important to keep the encoders away from an active welder, even storage wise. They will not work right after that exposure. That lesson was learned the hard way.