Does anybody know what this setting does? It doesn’t seem to have any effect on anything. The only thing that i can think that it might do is change the behavior of what happens if a new byte is recieved before the register is cleared. The 18f8520 documentation is very little help on this.
The SREN/CREN bits are only used if the USART is configured for synchronous operation. If you’re using it for synchronous operation, then the CREN bit enables the continuous reception of Rx data (i.e., Rx data will be continuously received and dumped to the RCREG register). If it’s your desire to only read one word at a time, you’d want to enable the SREN bit, which will allow the USART to receive only one word and then shutdown any further reception of data. The PIC18C Reference Manual has more information than the data sheet.
Whoa thanks!!! I never even bothered reading that document. I looked at it once and assumed is was jsut a less specific version of the 18f8520 manual. There is alot of good stuff in there!!