I am working on Vision on a demo robot that we have built from the Recycle Rush season robot. In the process of me doing this I needed to update the RoboRIO, PDP and the PCM.
When I did that I tested the old code with it to verify that everything was good, (and it was) just one thing…
- The Camera is not being recognized by the Dashboard.
I have logged into the WebGUI on the RoboRIO to see what was listed for devices. Looking at the devices, I see the camera listed but, I can not see it on the dashboard.
RoboRIO Firmware Version: 3.0.0f0
RoboRIO Image Version: FRC_roboRIO_2017_v8
DriveStation: 17.0a.111
Any Help would Help!
Try creating a new Project and seeing if the camera works with that.
If it does, you can compare how the camera is handled in the robot project between the old and new code (Camera IP & Dash.vi).
It was an new WPI VI in Begin.vi! :ahh:
Double-click on the Vision icon above it.
We are having the same problem (I think). I can see that the USB camera is working by examining the variables in the network table, also the image can be viewed with the “Smart Dashboard” by adding the widget. However from the default dashboard, I select the camera, and no image is displayed. The new control that has sliders for frame rate and compression has no effect. Are you saying that we rebuild the dashboard vi from labview, with a simple fix to one of the vis? Thanks.
For me I was using an older robot from 2015 (Recycle Rush). FIRST has a new VI you have to use to make the camera feed goto the dashboard. In LabVIEW it is in the Robot Main.vi and you have to add the “Send 2 PC” Camera WPI vi.
Then you just need to connect the error line to it.
It seemed to have worked for me.
If you can not find the Object like I couldn’t you can Create a New Robot Project then just Copy the Object from there and past it into your other project.
Good Luck. Hope it helps!