USB Hub compatibility

So, we want to use a USB Splitter (Hub) on our driving laptop so that we can attach multiple controllers at once. The problem lies in two things: We don’t have the hub yet and we don’t really know how LabVIEW will react to us attempting to do something like that. Would LabVIEW respond to it well, or would we have to tinker with the code a bit more to have LabVIEW properly read the USB inputs and “mingle” with them?

Joysticks off a hub will work fine.
I’d recommend you get a small hub though, not a large one that would require supplemental power (then it’s not so fine).

There isn’t anything you can do in LabVIEW with how the joysticks are plugged into the laptop. The joysticks are input by the Driver Station.

The driver station will be reading the values based on the USB enumeration provided by the OS. Whether devices are inserted directly into one of the built in USB ports or a hub, they still need to be enumerated for any programs to work with them.