We were testing out a new input that we added to the I/O board and then noticed the stop button wasnt attached. We attached the stop button to the USB Hub and then promptly got the Blue Screen of Death.
Then we restarted the computer and tried again, without the stop button attached just in case, but the I/O board and the joysticks were not being seen. We plugged the I/O board directly into the Classmate and it showed that it was connected.
We restarted the computer and the problem continued.
Do you think that the USB Hub is beyond fixing or is there something else we should try to get it working again?
We ran in to a very similar problem with a faulty USB hub from the KOP. If you read the reviews for that product on Amazon you will probably be amazed at how many other people have had reliability issues with that hub. It is probably worth investing is a more reliable one.
Do you have the red USB power cable from the hub plugged in as well?
It may just be that the hub doesn’t have enough power to drive the devices plugged into it, and the red power cable can help that.
Yes, our hub doesn’t work with any computer, but the little light comes on. even with the power cord attached it did nothing. we tried another hub that we had an it worked.