usb ports

How many usb ports do you use on the driver station?


everything is wired into the digital and analog input pins

We used three this year, all kit joysticks. If we wanted, we could easily dump one for a couple of switches and (if we wanted more granular control of roller speed) pots. We probably will, given that we had to borrow one joystick from 1730 at Palmetto and have since returned it.

We are using three. Two are joysticks for tank drive and one is a gamepad for control of our two conveyors, our shooter speed and turret rotation.

We have 3

1 For turning the wheelboxes, 1 is for Drive CIM power, 1 is for manipulator control


2 kit sticks- Shooter roller speed control (we have 5 brushes with two motors driving them, lower 3 and upper 2)

1 Logitech 3d Pro something or another (can’t remember exact name, slightly nicer twist stick, can be used for speed of motors and to turn via twisting)

1 Small racing wheel by thrustmaster as another way to steer the robot

do you have any pics of your drivers station?

Our driver has a Logitech Wheel for steering and a Joystick for Speed and special controls.
Our shooter has a joystick but we only use the buttons on it

I don’t have any direct pictures of it, but it can be seen in these pictures:

we used 3 usb ports. two joysticks were used for takns drive and the third one was used to control extra motors and pnuematics.

We use two for normal robot operation (i.e. one for driving and one for the belts), and a third for debugging (which is not attached during matches).