Use of reflective tape during teleop?

Is it possible/legal to hold up reflective tape from the human player station to help align our robot during teleop?

Provided it is not used to interfere with any other robots, I can’t find anything in the manual that says you can’t. ASK in the Q&A to be safe.

See “Unpowered Signalling Device”, reference T21B, then reference T21 (no letter subrule).

Translation, YES you can have it PROVIDED that it doesn’t mimic a vision target (found on the yellow totes). There has been a Q&A regarding use in automode, with the answer being that it can’t be used in automode.

So what I’m getting out of this is that like the camera on a huge stick for the driver station, you could also put up your own vision target to figure out where you are on the field through a pose calculation. This could be very useful for autonomous routines.

Edit: if anyone wants code the tells where a camera (robot) is to an object, preferably reflective, in x, y, z, pitch, roll, and yaw, shoot me a pm.

Stop… Read T21 again. Now read QA169.

You may want to incorporate it into the operator console.

I was talking about tele op autonomous routines, if that makes sense. Very poor wording on my part. If you know where you are on the field and have a tote, you could autonomously go to a step or whatever they are called and stack.