Our team have problems using the I2C protocol to connect and send data between arduino and roboRIO because is the first time we are using it, but we couldn’t find any info about it. We use LabView to program. HELP!
Here is an I2C example from 358’s helpful page – click picture to reach there page.
Here’s the same info as the LabVIEW context help: http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/372668d.pdf
This whitepaper is interesting: https://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=137196
I’m not using I2C, so I can’t walk you through it. But maybe these can help.
edit: There is also a PIXY I2C LabVIEW example.
Check out the above links and see if they help - they should have a decent amount of info on “How to get started”.
If you’re still stuck, it would be best if you could post code and/or the symptoms you’re seeing.