Using a Raspberry Pi as a DHCP Server for VH-113

I’m trying to set up a VH-109 in VH-113 mode as an AP for a simulated field network setup, but without an FMS (I just need the networking). I figured I could use a raspberry pi as a DHCP server for this setup. Does anyone have any guides for setting up a raspberry pi as a DHCP server with vlans? Since each vlan would need its own DHCP server, in addition to the main field one.

We’re going to make a non official release that has a DHCP server on all VLANs soon FWIW.


I got my 2nd VH radio, and was able to get it working fully on 1.2.1 in AP mode. However, I updated to 1.2.2, and it seems like broke. I could only access the management site from

Also, is there any chance we can get the WPA keys for the default teams 1-6 on boot? I’d be nice to be able to not need to reconfigure on each boot if we are willing to use those team numbers.

We uploaded the wrong 1.2.2 AP fw :roll_eyes:

If you can re-download it and use the new SHA sum of eb3b8401e0d7f407a9a652ae0438ee49c17793caf01b8b08881f26641067a185 you should be good to go with that IP address issue

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If you’re interested in trying it out.


Awesome, I’m sure that will help a lot of people. It won’t actually help me though, as the only reason I’m using the 113 FW is I need the firewall and bw limits.