Is it legal for the human player to flip a switch for the movement of the robot (during the autonomous time) when they place the robot down on the field? The switch is changed on placement of the field, and the input of the switch is read during the auto period.
It’s absolutely legal. Most teams will have a similar setup, to either tell the robot which side of the field its on, or to switch between programs.
In fact, Woody even suggested this at kickoff.
Totaly legal. We have a small one now we are using durring testing.
I was just freakin out today during a programming binge with the other programmer on the team. Thanks
Is this switch for the Human Player to throw or the drivers moving the robot on to the field. Remember 10sec is not long to move boxes and flip a switch. People who have tried on my team have had problems just getting the boxes out in the 10 sec. So I would proably just have the drivers do it.
for the human player to flip a switch for the movement of the robot (during the autonomous time) when they place the robot down on the field
I believe that should answer your question
Silly me. Mabey I should be more careful while reading the posts.
Hey, at least I got some use practicing quoting…
*Originally posted by KZos550 *
**Hey, at least I got some use practicing quoting… **
Can’t you just hit the quote button toward the bottom of the post and delete what you don’t want? Like what I did above.
Digi-key part number CKN5029-ND, $10.38. This is a one-digit thumbwheel switch with BCD output. It has a small mechanical digit that increments/decrements by pressing one of two little buttons on it. The output is 4 bits representing 0-9, so you get 10 possible combinations. You can get 8 combinations (0-7) using only three of the outputs if you’re tight on space.
Can’t you just hit the quote button toward the bottom of the post and delete what you don’t want? Like what I did above.
<psarcasm> no, I cant just quote the normal way. I have to do it the hard way making lines and frames and stuff and guess approximately what people said in their posts, instead of actually copying and pasting.</psarcasm>
I was joking…