Standard disclaimer: Sorry if it has been discussed, but I did not find it.
Does anyone know any type of converter that would allow you to hook up a usb controller (joystick)?
- Erik
Standard disclaimer: Sorry if it has been discussed, but I did not find it.
Does anyone know any type of converter that would allow you to hook up a usb controller (joystick)?
Well, a USB-serial converter might work, if it had the plug-into side of the USB, but I don’t know of any like that. Wish list for next year: USB-equipped OI! You can’t even find new serial joysticks anymore.
they are actually game port joysticks
We know they exist, we are looking for some specifically USB ones.
The discussion from official sources is that implementing a USB host is very difficult. Higher powers are working on solutions as we speak.
This is really needed. The gameport joysticks (that are of even “good enough” quality) are quickly vanishing off the face of the earth.
I wouldn’t say that. I would say “vanishing off the store shelves.” Since game ports are becoming scarce because of USB taking on a bigger role in consumer peripherals, it’s just not been very lucrative to make analog joysticks for the average PC owner any more. However, as many people have pointed out, analog joysticks are still sold for coin-op systems and can be easily rigged for use with a game port style input.
Ah, I see. Previously, I had the idea that the “coin-op” analog joysticks weren’t as dynamic as the gameport joysticks being used now. That is, I thought they were 4-way or 8-way, thus missing a good chunk of range.
I’ll take another look.
Are the coin-op joysticks reasonably priced though? All of the sticks that I’ve found are in the $100 range. Have you found anything cheaper?
Please share.