In the past we have used the AMT103 encoders from FIRST choice, and we have a decent amount of them, however, we are looking to improve our autonomous and we want to start using the closed loop driving on the talon srx motor controllers. If it is possible to do this, how would the wiring be set up? I assume that the 5 pin connector for the encoder would have to be spliced into the srx ribbon cable, but I am not sure. Alternatively, what would encoders would you recommend?
You can use one of the Andymark Talon breakout boards, or the CTRE Talon Encoder Breakout board. These just expose pads to solder or connect encoder wires to.
I recommend the Andymark Universal breakout. It’s got nice LEDs on it and breaks out all the relevant pins.
^^ Either of those would work, or a Gadgeteer cable and the Gadgeteer breakout from CTRE can get you there. I’ve used the AM breakouts for this, and the Gadgeteer breakout to adapt an SRX encoder to an Arduino; no problems with either.