Using GRIP to launch Boulders


My robotics team is thinking about using GRIP to launch a boulder during autonomous. We have an axis camera and I have a couple of questions.

  1. Is it better to run GRIP on the roboRIO or should we run it on the driver station laptop?

  2. Is it possible to use GRIP so that when the robot picks up the right image of the high goal it shoots a boulder?

3)What do each of the values that are published in contoursreport mean?


Hey Jayd!

  1. As a fair bit of warning, our team tried to run GRIP on the RoboRIO and it worked… for 4 seconds before it ran out of memory/cpu/generally crashed. If you are using the Axis Cam, you should be able to use the Add Ip Camera feature on the driver station.

  2. Yes! If your robot scans network tables in teleopPeriodic(), and then calls fire() or Scheduler.runCommand(new Fire()) or whatever you like when you see a contour that “matches” the goal

  3. Everything is measured in pixels
    CenterX: coordinate position of X center of the contour
    CenterY: coordinate position of Y center of the contour
    Area: # of pixels the contour “contains”
    Height: of the contour
    Width: of the contour