Using Limelight3A for FRC

Has anyone tried networking Limelight 3A with a Roborio for use in FRC? Any lessons learned? Programming tips? We have a few and would use them instead of going out and buying additional Limelight 3/3G.


I was under the impression they were designed for FTC only. If they work well for FTC that is a game changer! If you do follow through on experimenting with this, I would love to hear more.

Hmmm. The site says its compatible with FTC, FRC, and ROS systems. So some fiddling around may produce some results… but emailing LL and asking how to get network tables out of the 3A would be a good idea.

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Limelight 3A is a plug and play, zero-code perception system for FIRST Tech Challenge Teams. Based on the battle-tested Limelight 3 for FRC, …


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I’ll definitely get in contact with LL. It feels to me that it should interface with the RIO similarly to the LL3 but I was hoping that someone had given it a shot already.

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Documentation will appear for this later, but as long as you set the team number on a 3A, it will auto populate networktables just like any other Limelight!

If you have multiple 3As, you can assign a unique index and hostname to each unit.

You will need to enable port-forwarding in your robot code to access the stream and interface while connected to your robot over WiFi/Ethernet.


Thank you! That is setting us in the right direction.