Hi all,
This year, our team is attempting to use a navX MXP to rotate to a specific angle. We’ve tried implementing this into our program but we had no luck. Here is the code which we attempted to use.
package frc.robot.autonomous;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
import com.kauailabs.navx.frc.AHRS;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PIDController;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.XboxController;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.drive.DifferentialDrive;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.livewindow.LiveWindow;
import frc.robot.Motors;
import frc.robot.Robot;
* RotateToAngle
public class RotateToAngle {
private Robot robot = new Robot();
AHRS ahrs;
PIDController turnController;
DifferentialDrive myRobot;
double rotateToAngleRate = robot.getRotateAngleRate();
public RotateToAngle(AHRS ahrs, PIDController turnController) {
this.ahrs = ahrs;
this.turnController = turnController;
myRobot = Motors.drive;
static final double kToleranceDegrees = 2.0f;
static final double kTargetAngleDegrees = 90.0f;
// Channels for the wheels
final static int leftChannel = 0;
final static int rightChannel = 1;
WPI_VictorSPX leftMotor;
WPI_VictorSPX rightMotor;
public void operatorControl(XboxController operatorController, XboxController driverController) {
if (operatorController.getAButtonPressed()) {
if (!turnController.isEnabled()) {
rotateToAngleRate = 0; // This value will be updated in the pidWrite() method.
double leftStickValue = rotateToAngleRate;
double rightStickValue = rotateToAngleRate;
myRobot.tankDrive(leftStickValue, rightStickValue);
System.out.println("7. Current Rotate Angle Rate: " + rotateToAngleRate);
} else if (operatorController.getXButtonPressed()) {
* "Zero" the yaw (whatever direction the sensor is pointing now will become the
* new "Zero" degrees.
} else if (operatorController.getYButtonPressed()) {
* While this button is held down, the robot is in "drive straight" mode.
* Whatever direction the robot was heading when "drive straight" mode was
* entered will be maintained. The average speed of both joysticks is the
* magnitude of motion.
if (!turnController.isEnabled()) {
// Acquire current yaw angle, using this as the target angle.
rotateToAngleRate = 0; // This value will be updated in the pidWrite() method.
double magnitude = (driverController.getRawAxis(2) + driverController.getRawAxis(3)) / 2;
double leftStickValue = magnitude + rotateToAngleRate;
double rightStickValue = magnitude - rotateToAngleRate;
myRobot.tankDrive(leftStickValue, rightStickValue);
} else {
/* If the turn controller had been enabled, disable it now. */
if (turnController.isEnabled()) {
/* Standard arcade drive, no driver assistance. */
Timer.delay(0.005); // wait for a motor update time
private void driveControl(XboxController driverController) {
double deadZone = 0.15;
double dif = Math.signum(driverController.getRawAxis(2) - driverController.getRawAxis(3))
* ((driverController.getRawAxis(2) - driverController.getRawAxis(3))
* (driverController.getRawAxis(2) - driverController.getRawAxis(3)));
if (Math.abs(dif) <= deadZone)
dif = 0.0;
double turn = Math.signum(driverController.getRawAxis(0))
* (driverController.getRawAxis(0) * driverController.getRawAxis(0));
if (Math.abs(turn) <= deadZone)
turn = 0.0;
Motors.drive.arcadeDrive(dif * 1, (turn) * 0.6); // 0.8
// Fist num: Driving speed
// Second num: Turning speed
Any help would be appreciated.